William H. Kaufman, M.D., Ph.D. |
References: Kaufman |
Edited and comments by
Andrew W. Saul: Dr.
William Kaufman was among the very first physicians to therapeutically employ
megadoses of vitamin B-3 (niacin, or niacinamide). His
groundbreaking work, particularly in treating arthritis, remains
important to this day. My special thanks to the late Charlotte Kaufman for
enabling this bibliography to be presented to the public for the first time.
Robert McHeffey provided editorial assistance.
AND MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS Modification of reflex
contractions of the tibialis anticus by administration of sodium sulfide or
sodium cyanide. Am. J. Physiol. 116:89,1936 (available at AJP)
Differential reflex
effects of chemical carotid body stimulation on reflexes of respiratory and
non-respiratory somatic musculature. Am. J. Physiol. 119:347,1938 (available
at AJP1937)
Effects of chemical
stimulation of the carotid gland upon tibialis anticus muscle. Am. J.
Physiol. 123:677-686,1938 (available at AJP1938)
Central effects of sodium
sulfide upon reflex contraction of tibialis anticus muscle. 123: 687-692,1938
(available at AJP1938)
Vagal influence on
reflexes of somatic musculature. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 39: 10, 1938 (No
known electronic link) *Formation of the R wave
of the electrocardiogram. Am. J. Physoiol. 133:396, 1941 (AJP1941)
*Formation of the R
complex of the electrocardiogram. Am. J. Physiol. 134:384-389, 1941 (AJP1941)
*The nature of leads I
and III of the electrocardiogram. Am. J. Physiol. 134:390-397,1941 (AJP1941)
* Configuration of
anterior and posterior septal extrasystoles in standard leads of the
electrocardiogram. Am. J. Physiol. 134:398-402, 1941 (AJP1941)
*Distribution in leads I
and III of potentials applied to the surface of the heart. Fed. Proc. Part 2:
45, 1942 (No known electronic link)
*The nature of the S
wave. Fed. Proc. Part 2: 62, 1942 (No known electronic link)
*The nature of QI and
QIII. Am. J. Physiol. 135:752-758, 1942 (AJP1942)
*The nature of the S
complex of the electrocardiogram. Am. J. Physiol. 136:726, 1943 (AJP1942)
*Distribution to the
standard leads of potentials applied on various surfaces of the heart. Am. J.
Physiol. 138:694-647,1943. (AJP1943)
The electrical
conductivity of the tissues near the heart and its bearing on the
distribution of cardiac action currents. Am. Heart J. 26:42-54,1943 (with
F.D. Johnston as co-author) (No known electronic link)
The Common Form of Niacinamide Deficiency Disease:
**A method of determining
the spread of excitation in the ventricles of the dog's heart. Fed. Proc.
7:63, 1948 (AJHeart 1948)
**The nature of unipolar
limb leads in the dog. Fed. Proc. 7:21,1948 (AJHeart 1948)
**Derivation of leads I
and III in the dog from the analysis unipolar leads. Fed. Proc. 7:21, 1948 (AJHeart 1948)
*The nature of
"unipolar" extremity leads in the dog: Vr. Am. J. Physiol.
153:529-539, 1948 (AJP1948)
**The nature of
"unipolar" extremity leads in the dog: Vl Am. J. Physiol.
153: 540-546, 1948 (AJP1948)
**The nature of
"unipolar' extremity leads in the dog: Vf Am. J. Physiol. 153: 547-552,
1948 (AJP1948)
**Derivation of leads I
and III in the dog from an analysis of simultaneously recorded leads Vr, Vl,
Vf. Am. J. Physiol. 154:369-390,1948 (AJP1948)
**Spread of excitation in
the dog's heart. Am. J. Physiol. 157,248-253,1949 (AJP1949)
The Common Form of
Joint Dysfunction: Its Incidence and Treatment. E.L. Hildreth and Co.,
Chapt 1 http://www.doctoryourself.com/kaufman6.html Chapt 2 http://www.doctoryourself.com/kaufman7.html Chapt 3 http://www.doctoryourself.com/kaufman8.html
Chapt 4 http://www.doctoryourself.com/kaufman9.html Chapt 5 http://www.doctoryourself.com/kaufman10.html References and Preface http://www.doctoryourself.com/kaufman11.html The probable
psychogenesis of certain common ano-genital symptoms and signs.
Discussion of paper:
"Psychotherapy in Multiple Sclerosis" by H.D. Jonez. Ann. Allergy
9:660, 1951 (No known electronic link)
Some psychological
aspects of the treatment of patients who have food allergies. Ann. Allergy
9:660-664 and 695, 1951 (No known electronic link)
The syndrome of
spontaneous hypoventilation.
Primary food-induced
allergic syndromes and their secondary psycho-pathological
accompaniments. Pro. 1st Int. Cong. Allergology p 970-976, 1951
The overall picture of
rheumatism and arthritis. Ann. Allergy 10:47-52, 1952 (Alcat)
food-induced allergic illness. Ann. Allergy 10:308-323, 1952 (No known
electronic link)
The importance of
verbatim recording for the practicing physician.
"Television Neck." J.A.M.A. 194:1332, 1952 (No known electronic
Acute and chronic
hyperventilation syndromes. Clin. Med. 59:559-562, 1952 (No known electronic
Niacinamide therapy
for joint mobility.
Food-induced allergic musculo-skeletal syndromes. Ann. Allergy 11:179-184, 1953 (Pain Network) A common sense approach
to psychotherapy in allergic practice. Ann. Allergy 11:291-296, 1953 (No
known electronic link)
Allergic syndromes: The
recognition and treatment of certain food-induced allergic syndromes. Medical
Times, 83:249-252, 1955 (No known electronic link)
Some psychosomatic
aspects of food allergy. Psychosomatic Medicine 16: 10-40, 1954 (No known
electronic list)
Some aspects of
psychotherapy in allergic practice. Int. Arch. Allergy and Applied Immunology
5:209-223, 1954 (No known electronic link)
Correspondence: How to
help patients stop smoking. J.A.M.A. 155:388, 1954 (No known electronic link)
Food-induced allergic
headaches in non-migrainous and migrainous individuals. Int. Arch. Allergy
and Applied Immunology 7:405-444, 1955 (No known electronic link)
Verbatim recording.
Transference in
psychotherapy of patients with food allergies. Acta Psychotherapeutica Suppl.
3: 162, 1955 (No known electronic link)
The use of vitamins to
reverse certain concomitants of aging. J. Amer. Geriatric Soc. 3:927-936,
1955 (May also be listed as "The use of vitamin therapy to
(No known electronic link)
Comprehensive management
of patients suffering from food-induced allergies. Int. Arch. Allergy
and Applied Immunology 7:361-369, 1955 (No known electronic link)
Allergic syndromes: The
recognition and treatment of certain food-induced allergic syndromes. Medical
Times, 249-252, 1955 (No known electronic link)
Certain common emotional disorders
complicating the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Program,
Twenty-Sixth Scientific Sessions, American Heart Association, April 9-12,
1953, page 70 (No known electronic link)
Some emotional uses of
money. Acta Psychotherapeutica sep vol. 4, fasc 1, 20-41,1955 (No known
electronic link)
Presidential Address: The
physician's role in preparation of a patient for surgery. p 1-10 in
Psychosomatic Aspects of Surgery, Foxe and Cantor, Eds., Grune and Stratton
Publishers 1956 (No known electronic link)
Food-induced allergic
illness in children. Int. Arch. Allergy and Applied Immunology 13:68-101,
1958 (No known electronic link)
Some psychological
aspects of food allergy in children. Acta Allergologica 14:185-192, 1957(No
known electronic link)
Some emotional uses of
Food-induced allergic
illness in children. p 372-405 in S. Karger, 1959 Kaufman, W., (ed), Current
Problems in Allergy and Immunology, Papers Dedicated to Bela Schick on the Occasion
of his 80th Birthday, Basel, Switzerland, (No known electronic link)
Some psychological
aspects of therapy with drugs.
How the doctor can
heighten the psychological value of a prescription. New Medical Materia 4:61,
1962 (No known electronic link)
Food-induced allergic
illness in children. p 109-142 in Harms, Ernest (ed), Somatic and psychiatric
aspects of childhood allergies.
Correspondence: Correct
terminology. J.A.M.A 184:319,1963 (No known electronic link)
Attitudes that Block
Acceptance or Continuance of Medical Treatment. December, 1963. (Place of
publication unknown.)
Treatment of proctalgia
fugax. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 27:955,1982 (No known electronic link)
A painful dentistogenic
syndrome. Diagnosis 4,19,1982 (No known electronic link)
Niacinainide, a most
neglected vitamin. 1978 Tom Spies Memorial Lecture. J. Int. Acad. of
Preventive Med. 8:5-25,1983 (No known electronic link)
Niacinamide improves
mobility in degenerative joint disease. Abstract published in Program of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science for its meeting in
Correspondence: Cool
Question, J.A.M.A. 268: 603, 1992 (No known electronic link)
Preparation for
Prolotherapy. Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine 19(1): 28, 1997 (No known
electronic link)
(Not included in this
bibliography are more than one hundred reviews of general and specialized
medical books written by Dr. Kaufman for the International Archives of
Allergy and Applied Immunology between 1954 and 1964.) PART TWO: MAGAZINE
The magical approach to
health. Science Digest, August 1952 (No known electronic link)
Asthma. Scientific
American, August 1952 (No known electronic link)
When the doctor gets the
treatment. Medical Economics, August 1953 (No known electronic link)
Doctors' wives are a
problem. Medical Economics, September 1952. (No known electronic link)
Tattooing could save your
life, Science Digest, October 1952 (No known electronic link)
What makes a big doctor
big? Medical Economics, November 1952 (No known electronic link)
Should doctors tell the
truth? Coronet, January 1953 (No known electronic link)
Don't fool yourself about
your health. Your Health, Winter 1953 (No known electronic link)
New weapon against heart
disease. Coronet, March 1953 (No known electronic link)
Why you eat what you eat.
McCall's, July 1953 (No known electronic link)
The emotional slump of
middle age. Your Health, Winter 1953 (No known electronic link)
When wonder drugs aren't
wonderful. Coronet, March 1953( No known electronic link)
Psychiatry for Psuckers.
Coronet, March 1954 (No known electronic link)
When men face change of
life. Coronet, May 1954 Anybody can make more money if… Colliers, May 22,
1954 (No known electronic link)
What's behind a feeding
problem. McCalls, October 1954 (No known electronic link)
Do doctors charge too
much? Coronet, May 1954 (No known electronic link)
Can second look surgery
save lives? Your Life, March-April 1956 (No known electronic link)
The Lowenfeld Mosaic
Test. (sold to Look in 1956, presumed unpublished)
New hope for emotionally
disturbed children. (sold to Today's Health in 1956, presumed unpublished)
A doctor reports on the
effects of diet on fertility, potency and personality. Coronet, November 1956
(No known electronic link)
Progressive patient care.
Better Homes and Gardens, April 1960 (No known electronic link)
Recollections of Dr. A.A.
Berg. MD Magazine 26:287,1982 (No known electronic link)
Emanuel Libman, Master
Diagnostician. MD Magazine 28:205, 1984 (No known electronic link)
Notes: Dr William Kaufman is not to be confused with William H. Kaufman, who has also published many scientific papers.) |
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. | |
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