Vaccinations |
Vaccinations |
Most of what I've shared with you
throughout this website might be regarded as good common sense, and an
increasing number of parents share the "vitamins yes, junk food no"
point of view. Now for the really controversial part: neither of our
children got immunizations. My boy had two rounds of shots as an infant,
but when my wife and I both saw that the vaccinations made him sick, we
halted them. Maybe you are prepared to accept a meatless life-style for
children, but are not ready to accept one void of vaccinations. A lot of
eyebrows may raise at this point among readers, and
that's fine. Let's raise them a bit further. For years we have
been told that without shots, our children are sitting ducks for polio,
diphtheria, smallpox, whooping cough and such. This is simply not a
proven fact. Dr. William McCormick, M.D., of Toronto, Canada published a
series of papers (cited in my References page) showing among other things
that inoculations have had very little, if any, influence on the history of
these illnesses. Howard H. Hillemann, Ph.D.,
also published a lengthy paper ("The Illusion of American Health and
Longevity") showing similar findings (and cited in References as
well). So before your heart stops at the thought of my meatless,
shot-less children, read these researchers' papers and start wondering not
why my kids aren't "protected" but if yours really are. If you're a young
parent with young children, the question of vaccinations for your family is
an important one. If you are single, or a childless couple, or if your
children are grown up, it's a purely personal decision whether you choose
shots for yourself or not. You choose to remain unvaccinated or not, as you
think best. It's harder to choose "no vaccinations" when you
have little children. The decision is larger because it affects the lives of
others, and not just any others, but your own little persons. When it's
your very own kids you're considering, you want what's best. I feel
that way about mine; I think all parents do. So what's the right
decision, then? Shots or no shots? There is plentiful
evidence that vaccinations are less than beneficial. The venerable
British Anti-Vaccination League (and, incidentally, George Bernard
Shaw) were vociferously against them. Homeopathic medical writers
frequently include passages in their texts on how to treat vaccinosis, or the side-effects of vaccinations (Clarke,
1972). Certainly the U.S. Government cannot say without qualification
that shots are either safe or essential. After all, this is what was
said about the infamous Swine Flu vaccine in a 1976 FDA Consumer Memo in my
possession: "Some minor side effects - tenderness in the arm,
low fever, tiredness - will occur in less than 4% of
(vaccinated) adults. Serious reactions from flu vaccines are very rare."
So much for blanket claims of safety, for many persons well remember the very
numerous and very serious side effects of Swine Flu vaccine that forced the
federal immunization program to a halt.
As far as being
essential, in the same memo the FDA said this of the same vaccine:
"Question: What can be done to prevent an epidemic? Answer: The
only preventive action we can take is to develop a vaccine to immunize the
public against the virus. This will prevent the virus from
spreading." This was seen to be
totally false; after all; the public immunization program was abruptly halted
and still there was no epidemic of Swine Flu. If vaccination were the
only defense, literally tens of millions of Americans should have been struck
down with the Swine Flu, for a large percentage of the population of the Surely there are
other factors involved in prevention of illness or epidemic. But try
telling that to allopathically-oriented health commissioners and doctors.
You'd think that monks and nuns who work with the sick would have to get
their patients' diseases... but they seldom do. If germs or viruses are
all around us, why aren't we all dead, or at least
deathly ill? Is natural resistance more than just a certain level of injected
serums that we're supplied with every few years? Naturopaths say yes,
there is much more to wellness than just collecting shots. Real wellness
is the result of healthful living: natural diet, whole raw foods, plentiful
vitamins, internal cleansing through periodic juice fasting, ample rest,
peace of mind and appropriate confidence in Nature's preference to keep us
alive and well. If we follow these parameters, the essence of
naturopathy, we find inoculations to be irrelevant. Now if you or your
kids live on candy, hamburgs, shakes and steaks,
you'd best get inoculated. Just as overfed, undernourished laboratory
rats get sick at any brush with disease, so do overfed undernourished
people. The germ theory and the vaccination theory begin to apply as far
as a body is chronically weakened by wrong diet, overwork, chemicals in
foods, drugs in the body and other unnatural abuse. A weakened body, a
polluted body is fertile ground for assorted microbes to multiply. To
the extent that vaccines and drugs deal with microbes only, they are
apparently effective. That phrase was
"apparently" effective. Like adding "Drano" to a
polluted pond, the chemical intervention results in death of germs.
Naturopaths feel that microbe death is at the expense of poisoning the body
with the drugs or vaccines. Poison on top of poison fails to get at the
root cause of all illness, which is "polluted body" or systemic
toxemia. In fact, the added drugs and vaccines compound the body's
problem, for they cause side effects and new troubles of their own. The
person gets more vaccines and still more drugs, to
try to cover all these new illnesses, and then even more illness
results. The cycle can go on and on for a lifetime, never solving the
real problem. Body pollution from
wrong diet and neglect of natural living principles is the cause of
disease. How can inoculations be given for neglect? How can you
vaccinate a body against abuse? How can you be immunized against bad
diet and insufficient vitamins? It can't be done. The allopathic
medical establishment is looking into test tubes for answers that are found
at our dinner tables. Drug companies' chemicals and hospitals' equipment
cannot eliminate disease because they do not bring health in its place. Only
you, yourself, can live in such a way as to become and stay well. Then
the underlying causes of illness, including those we're usually immunized
against, are eliminated without vaccination. This applies to
children as well as adults. If children are fed whole food, mostly plant-based diets, with plenty of supplemental vitamin C they will not require shots to stay
healthy. They will be healthier without the vaccination. We would
do well to remember the examples of the Hunza (in
Pakistan) and other truly isolated "primitive" peoples who are so
healthy they rarely even have names for diseases that we're seeking
immunizations for. It's because they don't have much in the way of
disease, period. They have no shots, no free clinics and no filled-in
vaccination charts... until they start eating "civilized man's"
foods. When they start into a diet of factory foods, sugar, white
flour and procedssed meat, they promptly contract all the "infectious"
diseases. There is proof. Years
ago, Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist, went around the world to observe
primitive peoples and their diet. He saw that simple, natural diet of
mostly raw and always natural, whole foods was the common denominator among
all healthy, disease-free primitive peoples. His book is Nutrition
and Physical Degeneration (1945, revised 1970) and Dr. Royal Lee, another
dentist, discusses it: "In all
parts of the globe where the native population had changed from their natural
foods to the use of commercial products, there began the infiltration of
those dreaded diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and influenza together with
a significant rise in diseased teeth exactly parallel to the increase in
their use of commercial foods. Caries, pyorrhea, deformities of the dental
arch, cleft palate and hairlip were all now present
where unknown before. It made no difference whether the change took place in
a high valley in the Swiss In the same
article, Dr. Lee makes an interesting point about vitamin C in relation to
infectious diseases: "Systematic
diseases such as children's diseases, fevers and all infectious processes
exhaust the reserves of vitamin C and often rapid degeneration of the
dental structures follow... The slow convalescence
from fevers, pneumonia, etc. is mainly due to increased requirement (of
vitamin C) which is inadequately supplied at this time in the great majority
of cases. If the requirement happens to be greater that the intake for any
reason, the patient declines into some fatal outcome such as heart
involvement or a new infection is made possible by the low resistance. That
is why pneumonia so often recurs several times in one winter in the same
patient. It is a tragic fact that no patient is known to die
until his reserves of vitamin C are completely exhausted. No
vitamin C can be found in any of the tissues of a victim of an infectious
disease. This should give the
parent encouragement towards using vitamin C for treating, or at least
preventing children's diseases. It is not enough to
just say "no" to shots; you must have a viable alternative to
affirm. During an illness, we give our kids vitamin C literally every half hour that they're awake. When very sick, as frequently as every ten minutes. We have found this to be
extremely successful. A complete protocol (detailed treatment plan) is
contained in Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C (Smith, 1988) and
in A Physician's Handbook on Orthomolecular Medicine, chapter 10
(Williams, 1977). There is a very large amount of instantly accessible information at this website on treating illnesses with vitamin C.
I hope that it can
be seen that there are alternatives to having one's children routinely
vaccinated. There is the choice of simply not having shots. No one
should order you to get shots for your kids or order you not to get
them. A lot of people may try, however. I believe that the parents
should decide. You should know that many parents, including my wife and
myself, have chosen to decline vaccinations for their children after careful
deliberation. They, and we,
sometimes run into not unexpected opposition for this decision. Among
the reasons people give against no-shots policy are these: 1) "You don't
care about your kid's health. You're only thinking of your own
ideologies." 2)
"Vaccination is legally required. You must have it done or your kids
cannot go to school." 3) "Kids will
get all the diseases unless they are immunized against them." 4) "Even if
you're right, you're taking a chance. Why not get the shots and be
safe?" Let's consider
these arguments, because perhaps you will hear them or you've already heard
them. Argument 1:
You don't care [2019 update: I wrote the first version of this article in 1979, when my children were less than three
years old. A lot has changed since then, as this next section will bear out.]
Argument 2:
It's the law The simplest way used to be to take religious exception to vaccination on personal, moral and spiritual
grounds. This remains Constitutionally valid; remember that the First
Amendment guarantees freedom of religion. Of course I am not an attorney
and I speak only from personal observation and research. Problem is, the individual states are increasingly on a bandwagon to eliminate religious exemptions. New York, California,
and a number of other states have already done so. This should be tested before the Supreme Court. Do not expect that any time soon, for Mississippi denied religious exemption for vaccination
for many years and, to my knowledge, no one challenged it.
Providing you live in a state that respects the First Amendment, there are two
religious avenues to consider, and we have used them both. Church Membership Personal Religious
Belief Possible Complications It should not be
necessary for you to attend any hearing or any other such intimidating
appearance, nor should it be necessary for your children to in any way be
singled out in school. My kids once or twice have been interrogated by a new
school doctor or nurse. Questions included "What church do you go
to?", "How far away is it?" and "How often do you
attend?" I called the principal and politely complained. Believe
it or not, even though he was cooperative, it actually took more than one
call before the doctor and nurse desisted. Be prepared. Medical Exemption Alternative Education Home schooling is
certainly an option. Ivan Illich's Deschooling Society (1971) and the later
works of educator John Holt are very supportive of home schooling and other
alternative education environments. There are families in your
community who teach their own children at home, and there are state education
requirements that they must meet to do so. For example, you need to
keep a daily lesson plan book to prove you had organized learning
experiences. Education can be, and is, being done without
inoculations. (After all, Abraham Lincoln managed to get all the way
through law school without shots!) You can keep the government happy and
your kids' minds open at the same time by home schooling. It is labor
intensive, to be sure. Argument 3:
Unvaccinated kids are sitting ducks If an organism
isn't truly sound and thriving, nature sends disease. It's not a punishment;
it's just nature's way of indicating weaknesses. We can strengthen our bodies
with our natural diet of whole foods, supplement it with vitamins, eat no
meat, and get the rest we need. Health is a natural, unavoidable
result. It is the "nature" of Nature to promote health in us.
Our kids are healthy and will continue to grow in health not because of
injections but because of correct eating and naturally strengthened immune
systems. It may be that the
real "sitting ducks" don't know it. According to an article
(backed with 68 footnote references) by Neil Z. Miller appearing in the
Spring 1994 issue of Mothering: In 1976, Dr. Salk,
creator of the killed-virus (polio) vaccine, testified than the live-virus
(Sabin oral) vaccine had been "the principle if not sole cause"
of all reported polio cases in the In New Directions,
Summer 1991, an article by John Riker tells us that there are actually three
types of polio virus. "Types 1 and 3 were responsible for almost
all the polio cases worldwide... as much as 97% of paralytic
polio." Type 2, making up the remaining 3%, seems to be the only
type against which the Salk vaccine is truly effective. "In 1959 there
was a Type 3 outbreak in Argument 4: Just
in case, be safe Why face side
effects, contraindications, reactions and covering over poor health, and add
toxins to the body to boot? How is that being safe? No shots
results in simplicity: nothing is hidden. When
our kids have a fever or cough, we know what it's for: a warning to take
better care. We put them to bed with a temporarily all-fruit diet or a
mostly vegetable-juice diet, saturation levels of vitamin C, and make them
rest. They got better when they were toddlers, and my now-adult daughter
and son still do not get any vaccinations. And they have never had
whooping cough, nor polio, nor diphtheria, nor
measles. Was it just dumb luck, or was it smart eating? Although I have
offered my family's personal vaccination viewpoint to the reader, I do not
pretend to tell anyone to get shots or to not get shots. Immunizations,
in my opinion, fail to offer adequate protection against illness while
actually increasing the risk of mortality. Each parent must make their
own decision based on all the facts they can gather. To assist in this
search, I suggest reading any of the books by Robert S. Mendelsohn,
M.D. such as How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor
(1984) and Confessions of a Medical Heretic (1979). A Shot in
the Dark by Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe
Fisher (1991) focuses on the pertussis
vaccine. I most earnestly recommend Vaccinations: The Rest of the
Story (1993) published by Mothering magazine, which I think is the
most valuable reference of all. Some Horse-sense
about Tetanus The only reason an
old rusty nail is associated with tetanus is that it might now be where
horses had once been. Encased spores of tetanus bacteria can survive in a
dormant state, like seeds, for eighty years. Stepping on a nail delivers
the tetanus bacteria spores into the body as if from a dirty hypodermic
needle. So tetanus shots are given to this day, even though horses are
so rarely around us any more. During the Civil
War, horses were like trucks and cars are today, performing the same function
of personnel and equipment transport. Wagons, cannons, ambulances and
officers were all horse powered. Confederate cavalrymen J.E.B Stuart and
Why are we horsing
around with all these numbers? Let me get to my "mane" point:
it is remarkable that there were so few cases of tetanus during the Civil
War. Battlefield wounds were very numerous, very severe and very
dirty. Blood and tissue and horse droppings were everywhere.
Lockjaw cases were not. During the 1860's, surgeons did not even wash
their hands, let alone their instruments. Tetanus bacteria must have
been literally everywhere, with countless infected, ghastly wounds to
match. After a typical battle, thousands of men might lay with their
innards on the ground. Forget your visions of neat uniforms and waxed
mustaches and glory. Pain and disease and mud and filth and horses were
this war. In the course of
the Civil War, medical records and statistics were maintained and
published. This is how we know that many more soldiers were killed by
sickness (fever and diarrhea in particular) than by bullets or cannon. Of
the over 600,000 soldiers who died in the four years of conflict, at least
two out of three died of disease. We know the death
rates from various types of amputation, which ranged from 20 to nearly 90
percent, depending on location. And, we know that "lockjaw"
cases placed far down on the casualty lists, and numbered surprisingly few:
2,050 cases per 100,000 wounds, a rate of just over 2 percent (Miller,
1994). That, with no sterilization of medical instruments, and not a
pair of clean hands in sight. And with all those horses around. There were still
one or two Civil War veterans alive when I was a very little boy in When it comes to
eradicating tetanus, I think you could make as glowing an argument for the
internal combustion engine as you can for vaccination. As gasoline
powered vehicles totally replaced horses, there must have been drastic
reductions in our exposure to tetanus bacteria. To bend the needle
a bit further, let's look at another kind of injection against tetanus. Over
forty years ago, Frederick R. Klenner, M.D. cured tetanus with massive doses
of vitamin C (Klenner, 1954 a, b). In some treatments, Dr. Klenner used
as much as 250,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day, most of it intravenously.
Between 350 to 1,000 mg of vitamin C per kilogram body weight per day was his
standard therapeutic oral dose. (Klenner, 1979). While he was indeed in
favor of vaccination, Dr. Klenner described tetanus fatalities as being due
to conventional medical treatments for the disease and not due to tetanus itself
(Smith, 1988). I offer neither an
argument against horses nor against those who freely choose
vaccination. This chapter is presented, like one side of a good debate,
to get you past the sound bytes and to look into the subject yourself. The
human body is almost unbelievably resilient. Perhaps a bridle needs to be put
on over-praising or over-using the tetanus shot. Today, horses are rare
and shots are the rule. Let us take a moment and accurately recall the
days when it was the other way around. Copyright C 2003, 1999, 1980 Andrew W. Saul. Revised and copyright 2019. Andrew Saul is the author
of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be
Independently Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
) |
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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