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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, July 27, 2022

Why Australia Remains a Penal Colony for Physicians
Doctors who dare to discuss COVID medical matters lose their incomes

Editorial by Andrew W. Saul

OMNS (July 27, 2022) When licensed, experienced medical doctors are silenced and even actively persecuted for discussing a public health issue, something is very wrong. Here is a report I recently received from an Australian physician, fully qualified and with 40 years' experience. The doctor has been expelled from the medical profession because of questioning the prevailing COVID narrative:

"I was suspended by the medical board of Australia on May the 28th 2020 by the AHPRA committee (medical board of Australia). This was because I had writings on Facebook pages that included criticisms of the medical system, the side effects of drugs and the problems caused to patients by hospital treatment. Even though I did not use my name as a medical GP on these Facebook pages, the medical board still identified me as the doctor speaking out and therefore considered this a crime."

"Because of this, I was referred to VCAT, a sort of kangaroo court in Melbourne, which confirmed this to be a grievous criminal act, and under a specific section of the law I was considered to be such a risk that my suspension was agreed upon"

"In my 40 years of general practice, I have never harmed a patient."

"I have always had an interest in integrative medicine. I had been suggesting to my patients that they support their immune systems with vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium and zinc. I was always concerned to look at the basic cause behind an illness. The merry-go-round in general practice has been so monetized that you are only a good doctor if you see six patients an hour. In the past 10 years medical practice has deteriorated to an extent that conventional medical practice is now completely allopathic, and in the hands of Big Pharma. I was suspended because I criticized Big Pharma and also was concerned about the amount of persecution doctors already had from AHPRA. I noticed that some doctors who had been suspended and criminalized by this organization had committed suicide."

"After a conference between the medical defense attorneys and AHPRA in a few months' time, I will then have to face the final countdown in May 2023. I expect they're going to use every kind of ammunition to criminalize me and show I put out critical information on Facebook pages, which they think is anathema to public safety."

"This is happening to a lot of doctors around the world."

"My problem is that now I have no way to support myself financially. I currently exist on a bank loan and this was given to me before I had realized that I was going to be suspended for such a length of time, that I would not be able to recuperate my losses through alternative work."

"The medical board of Australia has laws requiring that any doctor who is suspended is not allowed to work in the health system or in integrative health in any way whatsoever. I am precluded from working in the health field which I know so much about because I have excellent qualifications in medicine and in integrative health."

"Doctors in Australia are unable to speak out about integrative health, social determinants of health, vitamin therapy, or anything that does not deal with drugs. If I criticize psychiatry, and talk about the serious side effects caused by psychoactive drugs, or discuss chemotherapy and the side effects thereof, this is unacceptable."

"I am concerned about the way people are often overlooked and mistreated in hospitals. My personal experience with my in-laws has confirmed that patients are often treated as if they are diseases and not people."

"I now realize that we are all in the midst of a straight-jacketing of the whole community. Australia has become in essence a police state. So many people have lost their jobs and mental illness has skyrocketed because of the fear engendered by the media's coverage of COVID. I feel so sympathetic to all these people whose lives are being ruined by the shutdowns and isolation caused by the way governments have dealt with the pandemic."

This problem is by no means limited to Australia. Having now read the doctor's letter, you can fully appreciate why I have published it anonymously. I have seen similar reports from Singapore, UK, Finland, Canada, USA, China and several other countries. To learn more, you may email Holly Wells

A previous OMNS article (Feb 14, 2021) on this subject is now in multiple languages:

My Expulsion from Medical Practice: Censorship and economic ruin threaten dissenting physicians

Mon expulsion de la pratique médicale - La censure et la ruine économique menacent les médecins dissidents

Min eksklusjon fra medisinsk praksis

Mi expulsión de la práctica médica - La censura y la ruina económica amenazan a los médicos disidentes



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Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (USA), Editor-In-Chief
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