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Orthomolecular Oral Medicine
by Gilbert H. Crussol, D.M.D., F.I.C.D.(OMNS October 9, 2019) In my medical training, I had been taught to use antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and pain killing drugs, and started to use these drugs in all my cases. However, after only a year or two, I realized how wrong I was, and stopped relying on prescribing these drugs. Most patients didn't like my prescriptions and as I later found out, didn't need them. When I started recommending excellent nutrition to patients, virtually all of them quickly got much better. Attending a mid-winter nutrition conference, I listened to talks by Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin and others on how excellent nutrition can improve overall health and prevent many progressive diseases. I then realized then that there is a much better way to treat patients than to blindly use antibiotics, pain killers, and anti-inflammatories. Learning that most animals (except primates and guinea pigs) under stress make three or four times the normal amount of vitamin C in their liver, I started to give my patients vitamin C before the physiologic and psychic stress of dentistry. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antiseptics, were then banished of my practice and the use of pain killers became very rare. Thanks to the teaching of Drs Cheraskin, Pauling, Pfeiffer, Riordan, Passwater, Hoffer, and many others I learned to use orthomolecular medicine effectively in my dental practice. The patient's mental statusDental procedures are often psychically stressful. I eventually made a policy of starting every patient on an excellent diet, including high-dose vitamin and mineral supplements where appropriate, before they were given any intensive oral treatment. That included even those with issues of mental health or those in need of urgent care. I found that excellent nutrition can allow the mouth, body, and mind to heal faster. I found that the stress induced by the oral treatment will often aggravate the psychic state or create psychic problems in previously apparently normal patients. But when treated with vitamin C (for example, 3000 - 10,000 mg/day for several days before, or 3000 mg given IV before the appointment) before an intensive dental treatment, I found that the patient's psychic status was often greatly improved. Prevention of pain by vitamin C infusionYears ago, I started giving my surgery patients a 30 g (30,000 mg) infusion of vitamin C infusion (IV sodium ascorbate) one day before or immediately prior to the appointment. The result was that no matter the extent or duration of the surgery, the "normal" pain was greatly attenuated so that the patients didn't complain about discomfort. However, without the pre-surgical IV dose, if the infusion was given afterward to control the pain, as much as 120 g was sometimes necessary. My standard protocol is to surgically remove all contaminated or infected gingival, bony, and dental tissues. The surgical sites are never in contact with antiseptics such as Betadine or similar products (which are designed to be used externally, but are often liberally poured in the abdominal cavity by general surgeons with serious consequences). We exclusively use an injectable solution of vitamin C to wash bony, conjunctival tissues sites and sinuses. This solution is isotonic, pH 7.4, antiseptic, antioxidant, and accelerates healing of wounds and regeneration of bone. Postoperative statusWe found that with pre- and post-operative infusion of vitamin C, when an oral infection site was surgically removed and washed with isotonic vitamin C solution, the inflammation, and postoperatory pain soon disappeared. In addition, this orthomolecular treatment evidently helped to or solved long lasting diseases. For example, it is well-known that poor dental health can cause inflammation throughout the body, contributing to heart disease, rheumatism, leukemia, allergies, and other infections. We found that our dental patients often improved their health in several other areas -- just from the vitamin C treatments. Burned face and handsA woman, 35 years old, atrociously burned in a car accident, received 40 graft surgeries over five years. She could not write or draw anymore. Her mouth opening was only as big as a finger, her liver could hardly tolerate certain foods, and she had agoraphobia. When she took 10 g/d of oral vitamin C, the agoraphobia and liver problems vanished in a month, and her mouth opening and the elasticity of her grafted face impressively improved. She could write and draw beautifully within three months. Her last graft surgery on the nose did not need any antibiotics, and the surgeons were very surprised of the speed of recovery and result of grafting. She was revived. Acute prodontosis caused by scurvyA thin 35 years woman was breathing her upper front teeth in and out of the mouth. They were so mobile that it seemed evident that no periodontal treatment could save them. Lingual gingival probing was down to the apex. Her nutrition was terrible. She was instructed to eat selected food three times a day and to take 10 g of vitamin C. She was asked to call the office upon any improvement of her health condition. She called two months later and said she now could read without spectacles. She called again six months later and exclaimed that she had stopped taking hormones (did not need them anymore!). She called a year later, reluctantly agreed to come for examination of the periodontal problem. Probing was no longer possible because of strong and complete reattachment. There was no need for any periodontal treatment. Now she is a woman of strong personality, no longer skinny. Lead poisoningA despairing man, 40 years old and a director of a major oil company, complained for months of ageusia and anosmia (loss of taste and smell sensation). Upon examination and interrogatory, it was found that in a locker of his office were all the lead batteries of the company's phone equipment. Moving out of his directorial office, 10 g/d of vitamin C, and a week later, his taste and smell was restored to normal. Burning tongueA women suffering of glossodynia (burning tongue) found her symptoms vanished after complete avoidance of refined sugar and adequate doses of vitamin C. Mental health, sensitivity to hexachloropheneA 40 year old female physician was hospitalized for mental exhaustion and stress 15 days every month. Interrogation revealed the use of a hexachlorophene soap 20 times or more a day. Avoidance of this soap removed the psychiatric burden. RheumatismA woman 35 years old with 5 children, married to a schizophrenic husband (frequently threatening her or her children). She was constantly on cortisone for acute rheumatism, and suffered continually in spite of that treatment. She could not feed her family or take care of the children. Removal of all toxic dental material and an excellent diet along with high-dose vitamin C treatment has allowed her to play tennis, go skiing, support her five children, and to take excellent care of them over the last 17 years. Facial paralysisA lip paresthesia from a car accident lasting 20 years disappeared after six vitamin C infusions. A lawyer, 55 years old, started to have a facial paralysis. He could not talk, close his eyes, or hold in his saliva. He was advised to take 500 mg vitamin C every hour, and got rid of this paralysis in 10 days. ConclusionExcellent nutrition can prevent many of the hazards traditionally associated with or caused by dental medicine. Scurvy, poisoning, and intoxication by drugs can be caused by an incorrect diagnosis and the wrong treatments, and can cause lasting pain, progressive diseases, despair, and even death. When patients are given excellent nutrition, and provided adequate doses of all the essential nutrients, the body's natural healing and immune defenses are empowered to prevent and reverse progressive disease. This is especially true of common dental diseases, where traditional practice often does not completely remove infections. In many cases the infections are caused by poor nutrition, and they can be cured by surgical removal of the infection along with vitamin C infusions and washes. (Dr. Gilbert H. Crussol is Professeur au Forum de Sevelin Lausanne Suisse, a Member American Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and has a Diplomé en Criminalistique de la Faculté de Medecine Légale de Paris. He lives in Navarre, Spain.) Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular MedicineOrthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org Find a DoctorTo locate an orthomolecular physician near you: http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v06n09.shtml The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource. Editorial Review Board:Ilyès Baghli, M.D. (Algeria)
Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (USA), Editor-In-Chief
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