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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Jan 11, 2019

Free Access to Nutrition Therapy Videos

(OMNS Jan 11 2019) The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service celebrates its 15th year of publication by offering links to free online full-length movies and lecture presentations:

Dying to Have Known

Filmmaker Steve Kroschel presents the patients, scientists, surgeons and nutritionists who testify to the Gerson Therapy's efficacy in curing cancer and other degenerative diseases. Included are a medical school professor who cured himself of liver cancer over 20 years ago, and a lymphoma patient who was diagnosed as terminal over 50 years ago. Also onscreen are noted critics who dismiss Gerson's method out of hand as quackery. or Dying to Have Known:

The Beautiful Truth

Here is an engaging and very personal, cross-country road trip to investigate the merits of the Gerson Therapy. Meet cancer survivors who present their stories of healing. The filmmaker interviews not only Dr. Gerson's family members, but also various doctors and skeptics as well. or

The Gerson Miracle

Dr. Max Gerson used nutrition to cure himself of his own severe migraines. He then concentrated on developing a system to naturally boost the immune system. Nine former patients talk about their successful recoveries from cancer, and Dr. Max Gerson's daughter Charlotte discusses intense opposition from the medical and pharmaceutical industries. or

Heal Yourself, Heal the World

Join Howard Straus (grandson of Dr. Max Gerson) for an in-depth examination of the Gerson Therapy: how it works, why it works, and the science behind it. Included is detailed historical information on Dr. Max Gerson never before presented on film. or

Intravenous Vitamin C

Dr. Ron Hunninghake and Dr. Tom Levy lead a question and answer session from the final day of the IVC and Chronic Illness Symposium, 2016.

High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases

Effective vitamin C doses are very high, often 1,000 times more than the US RDA. The medical literature has ignored 85 years of successful clinical studies on high-dose ascorbate therapy. This complete video lecture by Andrew W. Saul includes questions and answers.

More free-access videos will be found at and and

Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information:

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To locate an orthomolecular physician near you:

The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource.

Editorial Review Board:

Ilyès Baghli, M.D. (Algeria)
Ian Brighthope, M.D. (Australia)
Prof. Gilbert Henri Crussol (Spain)
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. (USA)
Damien Downing, M.D. (United Kingdom)
Michael Ellis, M.D. (Australia)
Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C. (USA)
Michael J. Gonzalez, N.M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D. (Puerto Rico)
William B. Grant, Ph.D. (USA)
Tonya S. Heyman, M.D. (USA)
Suzanne Humphries, M.D. (USA)
Ron Hunninghake, M.D. (USA)
Michael Janson, M.D. (USA)
Robert E. Jenkins, D.C. (USA)
Bo H. Jonsson, M.D., Ph.D. (Sweden)
Jeffrey J. Kotulski, D.O. (USA)
Peter H. Lauda, M.D. (Austria)
Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D. (USA)
Homer Lim, M.D. (Philippines)
Stuart Lindsey, Pharm.D. (USA)
Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D. (Puerto Rico)
Charles C. Mary, Jr., M.D. (USA)
Mignonne Mary, M.D. (USA)
Jun Matsuyama, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan)
Dave McCarthy, M.D. (USA)
Joseph Mercola, D.O. (USA)
Jorge R. Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D. (Puerto Rico)
Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. (Finland)
Tahar Naili, M.D. (Algeria)
W. Todd Penberthy, Ph.D. (USA)
Dag Viljen Poleszynski, Ph.D. (Norway)
Jeffrey A. Ruterbusch, D.O. (USA)
Gert E. Schuitemaker, Ph.D. (Netherlands)
Thomas L. Taxman, M.D. (USA)
Jagan Nathan Vamanan, M.D. (India)
Garry Vickar, MD (USA)
Ken Walker, M.D. (Canada)
Anne Zauderer, D.C. (USA)

Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (USA), Editor-In-Chief
Editor, Japanese Edition: Atsuo Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan)
Robert G. Smith, Ph.D. (USA), Associate Editor
Helen Saul Case, M.S. (USA), Assistant Editor
Ralph K. Campbell, M.D. (USA), Contributing Editor
Michael S. Stewart, B.Sc.C.S. (USA), Technology Editor
Jason M. Saul, JD (USA), Legal Consultant

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