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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, November 21, 2014

Marginalizing Megadosing Mammals

A Special Report Leaked from the World Headquarters Of Pharmaceutical Politicians, Educators, and Reporters

by Andrew W. Saul, Editor

(OMNS Nov 21, 2014) We appear to have intercepted another confidential memo from the World Headquarters Of Pharmaceutical Politicians, Educators, and Reporters (WHOPPER). It reads:

"All right, who leaked this?

"We very nearly had the public completely fooled about vitamin C, and Heaven knows we fooled the media decades ago. And now this, starting to go viral on the internet:

And in case the image did not display, here it is again:

  • A 15-pound wild monkey takes in about 600 mg of vitamin C a day from its food. [Milton, 1999: ]
  • An average human being weighs 180 pounds. That is the weight of twelve monkeys; twelve monkeys would get 7,200 mg.
  • But the US RDA for vitamin C for a human is 90 mg/day for adult males; only 75 mg/day for adult females.
  • That means that your vitamin C RDA is just over 1% that of a monkey. Monkeys get 90 times more vitamin C than the government says people need.

"It's true. Sure it's true. But that is not the point. Will you people ever get it? Truth does not matter. Money does. Healing people with vitamins makes sense, but it doesn't make dollars.

"In nature, monkeys and other simian primates eat huge quantities of vitamin C. Naturally. And the public never heard about this. Of course: we made very sure they didn't. As filling up a hungry toddler with chocolates spoils his appetite for salad, we filled up the public's mind with our flagship Big Lie: "Vitamins kill. Don't take them." This has admirably set up a terrified populace to take any damn drug we tell them to.

"And it has been a spectacular, rip-roaring success. Consider annual sales figures:

Vitamin industry sales: $11billion/year (high estimate)
Pharmaceutical industry sales: $1,100 billion/year (conservative estimate).

"Must we review our cardinal rules yet again?

  1. If it looks like a frog, and hops like a frog, and croaks like a frog, then it's a duck.
  2. If vitamin advocates say it, it's an irresponsible fringe conspiracy. If pharmaceutical medicine says it, it's reliable scientific consensus.
  3. Do not let the public see our forbidden cache of Vitamin Research that the Media Shall Not Publish and the Public Shall Never Know Of, also known as orthomolecular medicine ( )

"And one more thing: please be sure to destroy this memo after you have read it."

(OMNS editor Andrew W. Saul has honored readers' requests by publishing this latest WHOPPER satire. He has honored many other readers' requests by having not done so since the first of April, 2012.)

For further information:

How to Determine a Therapeutic Dose of Vitamin C, by Robert F. Cathcart, MD

Why a Sick Body Needs So Much Vitamin C, by Robert F. Cathcart, MD

Are Tropical Fish in Danger of Getting Kidney Stones from Vitamin C? They Make So Much More than the RDA

Previous "WHOPPER" reports:

Selective Evidence Based Medicine Takes a New Turn

How to Fool All of the People All of the Time

How to Destroy Confidence in Vitamins When You Do Not Have the Facts

Multivitamins Dangerous? Latest News from the World Headquarters Of Pharmaceutical Politicians, Educators and Reporters

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Ian Brighthope, M.D. (Australia)
Ralph K. Campbell, M.D. (USA)
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Michael Ellis, M.D. (Australia)
Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C. (USA)
Michael Gonzalez, D.Sc., Ph.D. (Puerto Rico)
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Robert G. Smith, Ph.D. (USA)
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Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (USA), Editor and contact person. Email: This is a comments-only address; OMNS is unable to respond to individual reader emails. However, readers are encouraged to write in with their viewpoints. Reader comments become the property of OMNS and may or may not be used for publication.

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