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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, May 25, 2010

Vitamin E Research Ignored by Major News Media
Coast-to-Coast Censorship

(OMNS, May 25, 2010) If you think Medline and Wikipedia are biased, take a look through your newspapers and magazines. For example, have you noticed how the news media are quick to publish negative allegations about vitamin E, but slow to present the positive side?

Here's a check to see if this is so: Have you seen any articles on the effectiveness of vitamin E therapy reported in your daily newspaper?

* Increasing vitamin E prevents COPD [Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, chronic bronchitis] (Agler AH et al. Randomized vitamin E supplementation and risk of chronic lung disease (CLD) in the Women's Health Study. American Thoracic Society 2010 International Conference, May 18, 2010.) Summary at

* 800 IU vitamin E per day is a successful treatment for fatty liver disease. (Sanyal AJ, Chalasani N, Kowdley KV et al. Pioglitazone, vitamin E, or placebo for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. N Engl J Med. 2010 May 6;362(18):1675-85.)

* Alzheimer's patients who take 2,000 IU of vitamin E per day live longer. (Pavlik VN, Doody RS, Rountree SD, Darby EJ. Vitamin E use is associated with improved survival in an Alzheimer's disease cohort. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2009;28(6):536-40.) Summary at

See also: Grundman M. Vitamin E and Alzheimer disease: the basis for additional clinical trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Feb;71(2):630S-636S. Free access to full text at )

* Taking 300 IU vitamin E per day reduces lung cancer by 61%. (Mahabir S, Schendel K, Dong YQ et al. Dietary alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols in lung cancer risk. Int J Cancer. 2008 Sep 1;123(5):1173-80.)

* 400 to 800 IU of vitamin E daily reduces risk of heart attack by 77%. (Stephens NG et al. Randomized controlled trial of vitamin E in patients with coronary artery disease: Cambridge Heart Antioxidant Study (CHAOS). Lancet, March 23, 1996; 347:781-786.)

* 400 IU of Vitamin E per day reduces epileptic seizures in children by more than 60%. (Ogunmekan AO, Hwang PA. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of D-alpha-tocopheryl acetate [vitamin E], as add-on therapy, for epilepsy in children. Epilepsia. 1989 Jan-Feb; 30(1):84-9.)

Such effective quantities of vitamin E positively cannot be obtained from diet alone. 400 IU is over 25 times the adult US RDA for vitamin E. Is that a lot, or is the government recommendation too low?

Have you seen any article in any major newspaper or magazine pushing to raise the RDA?

This might be a good time for them to do so: they need the readership. The New York Times is over a billion dollars in debt. (1) Newsweek, having lost $40 million in just the last two years, is now for sale. (2) This could explain why they are so anti-supplement (and pro-pharmaceutical), since they appear to depend on drug advertising money to try to keep afloat.

The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service takes no advertising from anybody and is free of charge. It is not in debt, and it is not for sale. OMNS will continue to announce and advocate vitamin therapy, because it works.

If you would like to join in, please consider writing a pro-vitamin letter to the editor of your local newspaper or favorite magazine. OMNS would welcome a copy of your correspondence.

For More Information:

These doctors say, Raise the RDA now:

Specifically in regard to vitamin E:

For vitamin C:

For vitamin D:




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