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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, January 17, 2007


(OMNS 17 Jan 2007) The world's largest medical library is biased, say physicians and educators. The US National Library of Medicine indexes most medical journals, and makes them instantly accessible through NLM's electronic Medline database. However, the peer-reviewed Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, continually published for 41 years, remains conspicuous by its absence from the library's listings. JOM publishes high-dose vitamin therapy studies and is read by physicians and scientists in over 35 countries. Some critics are now accusing NLM of information censorship, which, they maintain, is grossly inappropriate for a taxpayer-funded public library.

Harold D. Foster, PhD:
"I feel strongly that the JOM must be indexed by Medline. The fact that it is not provides strong support for the views of those people who see Medline as part of a conspiracy to block the public receiving the benefits of nutritional medicine."

Bo H. Jonsson, MD, PhD:
"The time has come for Medline to index the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Empirical findings, interesting reviews and good hypotheses have been published in JOM years before their clinical importance was recognized in other scientific journals."

Michael Friedman, ND:
"As a physician and researcher I find the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine to be a valuable medical resource. It offers research studies, medical hypotheses, and case studies that can be used in clinical practice. Most of my published work is indexed on Medline, but articles that I have written for JOM have not been indexed. Why is one peer reviewed medical journal indexed, and another not?"

Steve Hickey, PhD:
"Medline's journal selection committee is clearly biased. The membership of such committees needs to reflect the range of medical and associated scientific disciplines. It has been made clear to me that, throughout its history, the committee has never contained a member from orthomolecular medicine or associated areas of nutritional and ecological medicine. Instead, NLM's committee members are selected from professionals that have a track record of support for the establishment. It is therefore not surprising that Medline excludes the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, or the journal Fluoride, or the Journal of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, as they all contain supposedly controversial information."

Allan N. Spreen, MD:
"The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine should, without delay, be indexed and listed on Medline. It has been continuously published since 1967, and has been of considerable benefit in providing research I have been unable to locate anywhere else. The fact that Time, Newsweek, Consumer Reports and Reader's Digest magazines are all currently indexed by Medline, while this nutritional medical journal is not, is unconscionable, especially since Medline is funded by the taxpayers."

Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD:
"It is shame that Medline has become a major antagonist to scientific change in medicine by not accepting Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine as a legitimate scientific journal. This journal has published some of the most important research in medicine from a variety of top scientists including two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling."

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