Multiple Sclerosis,
Part I |
Multiple Sclerosis |
And if someone is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis? The answer is, and it is a remarkably
good answer, follow the MS protocol of Frederick Robert Klenner, MD as
described in Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, edited by Why a large variety
of nutrients? Because there is no such thing as monotherapy with
nutrition. "One drug, one disease" is a failed legend of the
drug doctor. People often ask me, "What is this vitamin good for?"
My answer is, "Everything." They give me "the look," but
it's true nevertheless. All vitamins are important. Which wheel on your
car can you do without? Which wing on an airplane can you afford to
leave behind? Why large
quantities of nutrients? Because that's what does the job. You don't
take the amount that you think should work; you take the amount that gets
results. The first rule of building a brick wall is that you have got to
have enough bricks. A sick body has exaggeratedly high needs for many
vitamins. You can either meet that need, or whine about why you didn't. But why try to cure
with nutrition? Well, why not? Must a cure be medical for it to be any good?
There is no medical cure for MS; if there were, you would have heard about
it. I say, if one doctor's black bag is empty it does not necessarily follow
that all other doctors' black bags are. Go where you can get the outcome
you need. The first rule of fishing is to put your hook in the water, for
that is where the fish are. Still, when I tell you
that Frederick Robert Klenner, MD was curing multiple sclerosis back in the
1950's and '60's, you would not easily believe me. And who in their
right mind would? A MS patient confined to a wheelchair, perhaps. Like the
one who was wheeled into my office one day by his private RN. I shared the
details of Dr. Klenner's protocol with them. They went home and did
it. It worked. In little over two weeks, the man was out of his
wheelchair, walking with a walker or cane. It was beautiful to see. What did they do?
Read Dr. Klenner's Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C and you will find out
precisely what they did. It is posted for free access at http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/198x/smith-lh-clinical_guide_1988.htm The multiple sclerosis
protocol takes up about five pages. Why did it work? Because Dr. Klenner's
experience in treating MS taught him to understand it as a vitamin deficiency
disease. Let's consider just
one lone nutrient, thiamin, vitamin B-1 and one oddball disease,
beriberi. Beriberi has been a problem for centuries in impoverished
countries. It is a disease of the peripheral nervous system. Beriberi,
a description of nutritional exhaustion, literally means "I can't, I
can't." It results in pain (neuritis) and paralysis, swelling and
anemia, decreased liver function and wasting away. Note, please, the
wide variety of symptoms. No drug on earth,
then or now, can cure it. Then and now, it was known to have something
to do with poor diet. But the question for centuries was, what exactly
causes it? In 1897, a prison doctor named Christiaan Eijkman
first cured beriberi. Many of his prisoners had the disease. They
were fed a diet of primarily polished (milled or white) rice, the stuff
Americans eat to this day. Eijkman fed the prison diet to chickens and
observed them to have the same beriberi symptoms. He then fed the sick chickens
unmilled natural (brown) rice. The birds were cured. He tried
whole brown rice on the prisoners, and they were
cured. Completely. No drug had done that; it took brown rice, and
something special in that unprocessed rice. In 1911, Casmir Funk, a Polish chemist
living in Between 1909 and 1916, the Philippines-based
American R. R. Williams began curing beriberi in young children with
outstanding success. The rice polishings he used were thereafter called
vitamin B (for beriberi?) and thought to provide a single essential
chemical. Today known to be a team of vitamins, the B-complex, (along
with vitamin C) are all water soluble, indispensable, and generally not
stored by the body. Thiamine
proved to be the cure, and the only cure, for beriberi. It is designated vitamin
B1. (One of its parts is a thiazole
ring, and it is a vitamin, hence
the name.) Thiamin is activated by thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) to form a
coenzyme needed in glucose oxidation to either get energy from glucose or to
produce storage fat (lipogenesis). Without thiamin, these do not occur.
At all. Hence, the fatigue and wasting away of beriberi. The
mineral magnesium is another essential cofactor in this process. Thiamin is not
stored in tissues. You need it every moment of every day, and it plays a
crucial role in carbohydrate metabolism, pregnancy, lactation, and muscular
activity. Less well known is that more thiamin is needed in tissues
during fevers. Continued
deficiency of thiamin is very grave. Unchecked, beriberi is
fatal. But a long-standing inadequate, marginal, or minimal thiamin
supply may cause severe neurological effects, most significantly nerve
irritation, diminished reflex response, prickly or deadening sensations,
pain, damage to or degeneration of myelin sheaths the fatty nerve cell
insulation material, and ultimately paralysis. Dr. Klenner, aware that
this could well describe multiple sclerosis, went to work trying megadoses of
thiamin. On the principle that it takes a lot of water to put out a
well-established fire, Klenner ignored the US RDA of one to two milligrams
per day and gave MS sufferers one or two thousand milligrams of thiamin a
day. He administered other vitamin megadoses as well. Patients
improved. That book again? Clinical
Guide to the Use of Vitamin C. It is available without a prescription. In fact, it is available
online without charge.
Dr. Klenner's Clinical
Guide to the Use of Vitamin C is posted in its entirety at http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/198x/smith-lh-clinical_guide_1988.htm. It is also posted at http://www.whale.to/a/smith_b.html.
The multiple sclerosis
protocol takes up about five pages. An important paper by Dr.
Klenner on the nutritional treatment of neurological diseases is posted at http://www.doctoryourself.com/Klenner_for_MS.pdf
Similar information is also included in Dr. Klenner’s megavitamin
protocol for M.S., published in "Treating Multiple Sclerosis
Nutritionally," Cancer Control Journal 2:3, pp 16-20. Andrew Saul is the author of the books FIRE
YOUR DOCTOR! How to be Independently Healthy (reader reviews at
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
) |
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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