Herpes, Oral and Genital; Warts; HPV; Monkeypox; Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) |
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Monkeypox, Warts, HPV, Genital Herpes, and Herpes Simplex: Vitamin C as an Antiviral
Right now there are a whole lot of
researchers searching for a good new anti-viral drug. They are the blind
leading the blind. They already have one. The pharmaceutical industry's
mercenary scientists and their medical doctor clones will, in fact, try
everything but megadoses of vitamin C.
Common-sense caution: The author is not a virologist and he is certainly not a physician. He has taught cell biology at the university level, though, and wishes to emphasize that viruses are almost never entirely eraticated by ANY treatment. Work directly with your own physician on this, and any other health issue.
Everyone knows that "monkeypox" is caused by a virus. Not everyone knows that common warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Even fewer people are aware that topical application (direct to the skin) of vitamin C is an effective antiviral, by far the best I know of.
The problem: “My doctor says there is no cure for herpes or for HPV. And the doctor added that vitamin C is certainly not going to affect monkeypox.”
greatest natural enemy of herpes, and HPV, and any virus, is vitamin C. It is effective
taken orally in very high doses, or applied directly (topically) as a paste,
or both.
If you do not agree with this, it may be because you have yet to try it.
Ascorbic acid powder works best, in my opinion,
but may smart a bit
if there is a break in the skin. Sodium
ascorbate and calcium ascorbate are non-acidic forms of vitamin C, and both
are “ouchless.” If you cannot easily find those forms, just
mix in some sodium bicarbonate (“Arm and Hammer Baking Soda”) to
make ascorbic acid pH neutral. (It will fizz when you do.)
If the lesions were fluid-filled (that liquid is loaded
with viruses), you will soon notice that the lesions are drier. For lesions
that have broken and fluid leaked out, apply the paste not only on, but
liberally AROUND the whole area. Sure, when the vitamin C paste dries, you
will see a slight white “frost” of left-over C crystals. But no
big deal. It sure looks better than a herpes sore. Repeat this process twice
daily until the skin is completely healed.
I have
knowledge of cases where such treatment has gotten rid of the problem in two
or three days. What is even more
important is that there was no reoccurrence, even over many years.
properties of vitamin C are especially noticeable at the highest
concentrations. There is no way to get a higher concentration than pure vitamin C
powder applied directly to herpes lesions or human papilloma virus
Common sense caution: Is herpes contagious? Yes.
You never know for sure if you’ve killed every single virus, so assume that you have not. Use all
cautions that you have learned to avoid spreading herpes or HPV. If you
don’t know them, read up on the subject. That is what Google searches
and public libraries are there for.
One of the topics that any internet search will bring up is HPV vaccination. Concerns about the safety of this vaccine are discussed by Professor of Medicine Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD in "Orthomolecular Treatment for Adverse Effects of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine"
Her question was expected.
"Is there any way to get rid the
lesions with nutrition?" Marta asked.
Conformist, party-line dietitians will
vigorously deny such a possibility, but then, they don't read their own
journals, and certainly not Linus Pauling's books or the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine.
So the truthful answer, the one I'd have to
give if under oath, is: Yes, there probably is: very large doses of vitamin
I ran this past Marta, and her concern was,
once again, entirely predictable.
"Are megadoses of vitamin C safe for
the baby?"
I knew that Frederick R. Klenner, M.D. (the
trailblazer of vitamin C docs) gave large doses to over 300 pregnant women
and reported virtually no complications in any of the pregnancies or
deliveries (Irwin Stone, The Healing
Factor, chapter 28, https://vitamincfoundation.org/stone/
). Indeed, hospital nurses around
Specifically, Klenner gave: 4,000 milligrams
during the first trimester, 6,000 mg during the second, and 10,000 milligrams
of vitamin C a day - or even 15,000 mg - throughout their third trimester.
This was his routine prescription for healthy women. He would respond to any
sickness with daily vitamin C injections totaling many times that.
Over a nearly 40 year practice, Klenner (and
previous animal studies) rigorously ascertained the safety and effectiveness
of vitamin C during pregnancy. Specifically, there were no miscarriages in this entire group of 300
women. There were no postpartum hemorrhages at all. There was no cardiac distress and there
were no toxic manifestations (Stone, p. 191). Among Klenner's patients were the Fultz quintuplets, who, at the time,
were the only quints in the southeastern
So my answer to Marta's question of safety
was an unfettered "yes."
Additionally," I added, "For the ladies
who had all the vitamin C, labor was both shorter and less painful."
Soon to be facing her first delivery, Marta
had a vested interest in that little side benefit.
"I've never given birth myself," I
went on, "But my wife's two deliveries confirmed what Klenner said. Her first labor was two hours and
forty-five minutes total, and her second labor was one hour and forty-five
minutes from the very onset to "it's a girl."
“Wow!" Marta said, happier than
"I hesitate to keep this going, but there's
still more. The obstetrical nurses at Klenner's hospital repeatedly verified
that stretch marks were seldom seen on Klenner's post-partum patients. I can
personally vouch for this being true with my spouse. After two kids, the
second with a birthweight of 10 pounds, two ounces..."
Marta's eyes grew large at the very idea.
"... My wife had a single, half-inch
stretch mark. Pretty neat, eh?"
Marta nodded several times.
"Well, I really want to get rid of this
herpes thing so I can have a natural childbirth," Marta said. “I
know that herpes is most certainly not safe for the baby. And from what I've
read, Cesarean delivery, like all operations, carries risk, too. It seemed
that my balance sheet favors trying the vitamin."
"Well," I said, "If you are
going to do it, Marta, you might as well do it right. This means building up
your C level to saturation. That's bowel tolerance, remember?"
She did.
"And you mean that I might have to take
much more than I'd expect to, right?" Marta added.
"Yes," I said. "You do not
take the amount of vitamin C you think you should take; rather, you take the
amount of vitamin C that the body responds to. When your symptoms leave,
that's the right level for you at that time. As you get better, you will not
be able to hold as much of the vitamin. The dose is self-adjusting, and you
need no equipment to monitor it. Just take as much as you can comfortably
hold, just enough to be symptom-free, but not so much as causes loose
Marta said, "How long will it be before
I see any progress?"
"It depends on how much vitamin C you
take, and how much vitamin C you need. A dry sponge holds a lot of
water. The body seems to have an
enormous capacity for vitamin C when infected with a virus. We'll all find out
how much you need when we see how much you can comfortably hold. It is not a contest; just do what gets the
healing. But it will take time to get to your saturation level."
"What can I expect along the way?"
she asked.
"The first thing you will notice is:
nothing. There is a latency period, a lag-time, while you load the body with
the vitamin. It's a bit like waiting
for your computer to load a new program."
"Can you try another analogy?"
Marta said.
"Look at it this way," I
responded. "Let's say you were in
a plane taking off from
"That is exactly what it is like when
you reach saturation of vitamin C. At a certain altitude, higher than you
expected, your symptoms go away. This characteristically occurs with such
ease that it is hard to believe it until you experience it for yourself. Precious few medical professionals have
learned this. The medical-dietetic industry has a real fear of flying if
vitamin C is the aircraft. Too bad, when it is the safest and fastest plane
in the air.
Marta was nobody's fool, and worked closely
with her obstetrician. She had heard about something termed "rebound
scurvy," and now asked me about it.
"Rebound scurvy, or the rebound effect,
is when a person takes a lot of vitamin C, usually with great success, and
then abruptly stops taking it. At that
instance, symptoms come back, sometimes including a few classic vitamin C
deficiency signs. Research shows that
such an effect does not occur in the vast majority of situations.
"However, pregnancy is a special
case. If the mother takes a lot of C
while pregnant, Klenner and others confirmed that her labor and delivery will
be shorter, easier and free of complications. If the vitamin helped while
Mommy was pregnant, it should most certainly be given to the baby. During
gestation, the baby got all the C he needed. But now, baby is on his own: no more C through the placenta and
umbilical cord. If the baby is used
to, and benefiting from, abundant vitamin C, it obviously should be provided
for him individually after birth. Klenner
gave newborns about 50 milligrams a day. Not doing that results in a scorbutic baby."
"But doesn't that just mean that the
baby is dependent on vitamin C?" Marta said. I told you she was nobody's
"No," I answered. "No more
than the baby is dependent on oxygen, or water, or food. Consider this: If
you have a really high paying job, and expenses to fit it, and you are
suddenly fired, you have a problem. Your problem is not money. Your problem
is a lack of money."
Marta smiled comfortably.
"So don't stop a good thing,
then," she said.
"That's it," I agreed. "If
vitamin C is important enough for the woman to take before giving birth, then
it is important enough for the baby to get after it has been born."
"I can see that," she said.
"But I'm going to breast feed my baby. Is there vitamin C in breast milk?"
"There is some, but we do not know how
much at any given feeding. Keep in mind that the nursing woman is healing up
and stressed out. Along with
recovering from childbirth, she is adapting to really momentous changes in
her lifestyle and sleeping schedule, and everybody knows that taking care of
a baby is a tremendous demand on a person. Mom needs a lot of vitamin C
herself. So her amount of available surplus C is small. For this reason, breast milk is an
unreliable source of vitamin C for babies. However, mother's milk otherwise
is the perfect food for infants. You absolutely, positively are making the
right decision when you breast feed. Just slip the child a little C each day
as you do it. Even a newborn can gum down
a tiny bit of a finely-powdered chewable children's C tablet. You can put a
little right on the baby's tongue. Vitamin C drops are also available. My own kids got supplemental C from the
very first days of their lives."
"What if a baby was formula-fed?"
Marta asked.
"Then supplemental C is ever more
essential," I said. "Very little of the vitamin is found in
formula, especially after it is manufactured, packaged, opened, heated,
poured, and oxidized during bottle feeding."
"OK," said Marta. "I guess I
should get started."
She did.
It was not that long afterward that I had a
follow-up conversation with her.
"The delivery is on," Marta said.
"The herpes lesions are all gone, and have been gone since I got to
saturation with the C. Do you want to know how much it took?"
"You bet I do."
"44,000 milligrams a day!" she
hooted. "Can you believe that? And at that much I hardly had any bowel
signs at all. So I dropped it to about 35 to 40 thousand and stayed there.
That's it!"
Not quite. A couple of months later, Marta
had one of the most adorable baby girls I've ever seen. That Dr. Klenner
fellow. I'd have liked to have met him.
[The above case history is excerpted with permission from Andrew Saul’s book DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
For more
information about high-dose vitamin C treatment:
Klenner's Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C is now posted in its
entirety at
complete text of Irwin Stone's book The Healing Factor is now posted
for free reading at http://vitamincfoundation.org/stone
amino acid L-lysine also helps fight herpes. Keep your wallet in your
pocket: you can get lots of lysine by eating lots of beans. An effective
dose is about 3 grams (3,000 milligrams) of lysine daily.
That is about a can and a half of beans a day. Wait! Before you go off
singing the “Musical Fruit” song, hear me out: Beans, and all the other legumes, are literally loaded with lysine. Peas are very high in
lysine. So are lentils, refried beans, black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, navy beans, four-bean salad, bean soup, bean burritos, veggie bean-burgers, and even
chickpeas (garbanzos). Lima beans are relatively low; soybeans (and anything
made from soy) are high in lysine. So you really should eat your beans at every meal.
Copyright 2022, 2018, 2007 and previous years by Andrew W. Saul.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. | |
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