Reviews of The Vitamin Cure for Women's Health Problems |
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"I can vouch for the fact that her health tips are sound. This book is a “must” for all women." (Ralph Campbell, M.D.)
The Vitamin Cure for Women’s Health Problems by Helen Saul Case
Helen Saul Case brings us the 7th installment of The Vitamin Cure series, created and edited by her father, Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. Saul Case wastes no time in defining the book’s intended audience: Chapter 1, “No Boys Allowed”, begins with a facetious warning to any men who may have accidentally wandered through the first few pages from proceeding any further. Of course this warning is lighthearted and it is clear that the information within is useful regardless of the reader’s gender.
Written in an accessible and unpretentious tone, the book outlines the benefits of vitamin and mineral supplementation, as well as proper nutrition, as they pertain to women’s health. Topics covered include PMS, yeast infections, hormonal birth control, endometriosis, menopause, and cancer among others.
Although the focus of the book is on non-brain related conditions, Chapter 5 offers a wealth of helpful tips for women suffering from stress, anxiety and depression.
Of particular interest is her thorough explanation of the three types of vitamin B3: niacin (nicotinic acid), niacinamide (nicotinamide), and inositol hexaniacinate (inositol hexanicotinate). She discusses each form in relation to the alleviation of stress, anxiety and depression. The distinctions drawn and the recommendations given are useful for vitamin-neophytes who may be put off by certain unexpected side effects, such as the flush often coupled with supplementation of niacin.
Saul Case goes on to explain the different side-benefits associated with each of the three forms. For instance, niacin lowers LDL and raises HDL. Niacinamide does not have the same effects on cholesterol, but it makes up for it by helping to reduce anxiety and alleviate arthritis. Inositol hexaniacinate offers the same benefits as niacin but to a lesser degree, and without the flush, nausea and other side effects sometimes associated with niacin.
The B vitamins certainly take center stage in chapter 5, but the other vitamins and minerals are by no means relegated to the background. Care is given throughout the entire book to outline the benefits of all nutrients in connection to women’s health.
Rich with scientific references, the reader can feel confident that the information within is accurate and substantiated. In fact, nearly one third of the book is reserved for references alone! What’s more impressive is that Saul Case manages to translate these studies, papers, and journals into an easily navigated, down to earth guidebook for supplementation.
This book offers a great introduction into the world of orthomolecular medicine for those who might not be familiar with the subject matter. The Vitamin Cure for Women’s Health Problems makes a perfect addition to The Vitamin Cure series and is a must-read for any person (female or male!) in need of sound nutritional guidance.
(Review reprinted with permission of the International Schizophrenia Foundation http://www.orthomed.org)
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The Vitamin Cure for Women’s Health Problems by Helen Saul Case
This book gets right down to the business of women’s health problems, and how nutrition and vitamins may very well be the best ways to take care of them. Saul Case is experienced with orthomolecular medicine principles, having utilized them all her life. Orthomolecular medicine supports the taking of optimal amounts of vitamins, amounts that promote optimal health, not just the minimal amounts that prevent severe vitamin deficiency diseases. Saul Case knows what works. She backs it all up with evidence, and provides very straightforward instructions to her readers. At the onset, the author makes it clear that this is a “gal” thing, but at the same time, she lets the guys in on what they need to know that would aid the health of their partners.
Although, at times, there seems to be an ongoing battle between those in the nutrition and supplemental vitamin camp, and those in support of pharmaceutical medicine, Saul Case is not fully in one camp or the other. Rather, she maintains that women should be as informed as possible of what both sides advocate. Half-truths sell medicines and “healthful” supplements as well. This makes it all the more important that the information a woman gets is backed by evidence. Saul Case is well aware that readers want proof that vitamins and nutrition work, and with that in mind, her book provides a wealth of references and suggested reading.
In the post World War II days, the specialty of pediatrics flourished. Overall, it differed greatly from what we have today. The old way of doctors had its short comings just as the new way does. But one real plus was that there could be enough time spent in an office call or a well-check for both doctor and mother (the usual pediatric patient’s spokesperson). Now, office visits are shorter, and one’s doctor may not have had the time to get the “full picture.” But, frankly, I never was privy to problems like yeast vaginitis or endometriosis. I “learned” about these disorders in medical school, but I certainly could not grasp what it would be like to suffer from such problems. Similarly, I learned about what resulted from the bite of the tset-se fly, but I never expected to be bitten. My empathy could take me only so far. Consider: a woman’s doctor may be treating an illness they have never experienced, except for what they learned in a text book in medical school, or through witnessing such issues in their patients. The knowledge doctors have and can share with a patient based on such “non-personal” experience may not be all the information a woman needs when it comes to treating her own specific health condition. Women (and men) must be informed patients. There are times when an accurate medical diagnosis is needed, and that requires a visit to the doctor. But the patient should do her homework prior to the visit in order to be in a position to actively discuss her condition. Ideally, both patient and doctor learn from each other. Medicine and nutrition can complement each other. But, if a patient is rushed through a doctor’s office visit with a cursory examination and just the dispensing of a prescription (or two), Saul Case suggests this can lead to unsuccessful results. Instead, the author recommends to the reader, without a show of animosity, to take the slip of paper with the prescription written on it, but not fill it—just yet. Before submitting to pharmaceuticals, first consider the benefits of orthomolecular medicine.
Helen Saul Case certainly makes a strong case for vitamins and nutrition. I can vouch for the fact that her health tips are sound. She addresses how to stay well, in addition to providing specific nutrition treatment advice for women’s health issues. Her knowledge and the engaging, candid, and downright entertaining way she passes it on makes this book a “must” for all women.
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The first few moments after a doctor’s appointment can be uplifting: you may feel knowledgeable about your condition, confident in the doctor’s advice, and hopeful that the prescription written on that little slip of paper is actually going to work.
Unfortunately, when it comes to women’s health problems, this is not always the case. Drugs do not always cure disease. At home, it comes down to you and your prescription…and usually a host of side effects. You may get better, or you may not, and you find yourself in the disease-medicate-disease spin cycle.
This is no way to live. We do not want to be caught in a holding pattern of mediocre health. We want answers for our illnesses. We want cures.
The Vitamin Cure for Women’s Health Problems is not a comprehensive textbook to address all women’s health issues. It’s not even close. This book merely attempts to highlight some of the most common health concerns women face, and how vitamins and nutrition can help. The information is brought to you in an easy-to-read style, but is by no means “dumbed-down.” It is packed with information that is fun to read and that is backed up by hundreds of scientific references.
If you need to go to your doctor, by all means go. But wouldn’t it be better to not need to go? Ladies, if you are looking for drug-free natural alternatives to address your health concerns, you have come to the right place.
I have the unique experience of being born and raised in a household where vitamins and nutrition were the answers to our health problems, and more often the answers for prevention of sickness. I did not have a single antibiotic until I went to college and there is a reason: vitamins and nutrition work. Here is your chance to see this for yourself.
We women need each other. We need to be able to talk about our health, share our stories, share our advice, our accomplishments, and our angst. We need each other because we get each other. Men may try to sympathize with our experiences, but they’ll never completely understand what we are going through. It’s difficult partly because it’s so hard to speak to men about problems we have with our bodies; the conversations are uncomfortable, embarrassing, and, well, just so personal.
I was wading through all these health books written by male authors, and they just can’t understand what it’s really like being a woman. I wished there was an orthomolecular health book for the kinds of issues I wanted to know about that was written by, well, a woman! Since I couldn’t find what I was looking for, I just had to go and write it myself.
There are literally thousands of different health issues out there. Many of these are experienced by both men and women. However, these pages are reserved for the ailments that predominantly affect us ladies because of our unique parts and design. You’ll find chapters on the following:
• Menstrual and premenstrual issues such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), bloating, stress, cravings, acne, migraines, heavy periods, insomnia, fatigue, breast tenderness, and mood swings
If you are experiencing one of these problems and you feel nervous or scared, take a deep breath and scan through these pages to find natural, drug-free alternatives. You should always go to your doctors with your health concerns, but you don’t always have to do what they say. Be informed about your options, and use this book and its references to help you decide what to do.
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From the Publisher:
Women’s health issues are often handled by physicians who have little time, and often no inclination, to get to the root cause of their patients’ illnesses or concerns. Almost always, women are sent on their way after a quick diagnosis, with a prescription for what at first seems to be simple pharmaceutical answer to their problems. Unfortunately medical solutions often don’t work very well and have side effects that may seem as bad as or worse than the original illness. At best, they leave the person relying on drugs instead of addressing the root cause of the problem. Good nutritional guidance, natural alternative options, and vitamins that actually can cure are generally not options in the modern medical tool bag.
Helen Saul Case speaks from personal experience in dealing with her own health concerns in The Vitamin Cure for Women’s Health Problems. She backs up her own knowledge of orthomolecular nutrition and its use for women’s health issues with extensive research into the scientific studies of nutrition and supplementation, and she shares this information in an engaging, easy-to-read style.
This is a book all women will want to keep close by. It is a comforting reference resource for natural, drug-free alternatives to know about and consider for healthy everyday supplementation or when traditional medicine is not providing answers.
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AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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