Heart Arrhythmia |
Heart Arrhythmia: a Case History |
Some even believe
that. One undergraduate comes promptly to mind. He was 21, and
suffering from a severe heart arrhythmia. Once every week or two his
heart rate would violently soar, his pulse get erratic, and he'd have to lie
in bed for hours before it would return to normal. This is how he had
been best able to manage it. Sometimes, he said, he'd have to lie
completely still, quite unable to get up without a recurrence. He said
he would occasionally have to remain motionless for many as six hours.
He was an active fellow, and all this wasted time bothered him as much as the
symptoms themselves. Of course he'd seen
a variety of doctors, including the obligatory specialists. Anxiety or
panic attacks had been considered and ruled out. This problem was not
in the lad's head. He'd had a lot of tests. The doctors had
concluded by offering nothing except either surgery for some sort of
pacemaker, or a new drug packing the potential of several serious side
effects. Sitting in my
office, he showed me the literature on the proposed drug, and I looked it
up. "This drug
might indeed relieve your symptoms, Don," I said. "It says
here that it can also cause myocardial infarction." "That's,
uh...that's a heart attack, isn't it? I remember the name from
class." Don smiled, but got
very serious very quickly as it dawned on him that he would be the one
risking the heart attack. "Wait a
minute!" he said. I'm way too young to chance a heart
attack! And pacemakers are for old guys. There's got to be
something else I can do." "Safer,
anyway, yes," I said. "You could try nutrition and see how
you do." His mother had come
along to the appointment, and spoke up now. "Nutrition?
Now that is a good idea, especially for Don. His diet is
terrible." He gave her one of
those classic, "Oh, Mom..." looks, but that didn't stop her from
telling me that he never ate breakfast, and chose a lot of junk foods when he
did eat. Plus, he was underweight, and played a lot of sports, and had
a busy work and social schedule. She was sweet about it all, but she
was plain spoken and pulled no factual punches. She also sounded plenty
worried about her boy. "Let's look at
it from the simplest vantage point," I said. If Don has not been
eating well, he should start. If the heart is not well nourished, how
could we reasonably expect it to work properly?" I got a "Right
on, brother!" look from Don's mom.
"The heart
especially needs the essential fatty acids for fuel," I continued.
"Namely linoleic and especially linolenic acid." "I read about
this," said Don's mother. Aren't they found in fish oil and flaxseed oil?" "You are
right. Either source will do."
Don gave a sour
look. "In capsules,
Don; they come as supplement capsules." He brightened up
considerably. "Vitamin E is
next. At effectively large doses, vitamin E helps to strengthen and
regulate the heartbeat. It works almost like one of the digitalis
family of drugs." "How much do I
have to take?" Don asked, naturally. They all do. "A lot,
probably well over 1,000 International Units daily, and perhaps as much as
2,000 IU. You can work up this level gradually." "What other
vitamins?" asked the mother. "The B-complex
and vitamin C would be wise, I think. A variety of cardiac and other
muscle problems result from their deficiency. Don may need more of them
then the average person." "Or maybe his
diet has just contained a lot less," said his mom. "That
too," I answered. "I also would follow Dr. Hans Nieper's example
and take gram-sized doses of both calcium orotate and magnesium orotate, in
about a 2:1 ratio." And they did try
it, cautiously, intelligently, and thoroughly. I had a follow-up
session with them not long afterwards. Don was smiling. His mom
was smiling. So I smiled too. "How's it
going?" I asked. "Going
great!" said Don. "No sign of any heart problem at all." Some weeks later,
we talked again. "I haven't had
an attack since I started the vitamins," Don said. We were all really
pleased. I asked Don what he was taking, and he read it all off to
me: "2000
milligrams of vitamin C daily; 2,000 mg of flaxseed oil each day; Calcium
orotate 2,000 mg a day in four or five divided doses; Magnesium orotate 1,000
mg, also in divided doses; two B-complex supplements each day, one
multivitamin; and 1600 IU of natural mixed tocopherols vitamin E." Not bad, to
eliminate long-standing chronic tachycardia/arrhythmia events so
promptly. No pacemaker surgery, no dangerous medicines. It's been
a long time now and there has been only one recurrence. That was when
Don skipped both breakfast and his supplements. He got back with the
program and the symptoms were gone. Copyright C 2005, 2003
and prior years Andrew W. Saul. Revised and copyright 2019. Andrew Saul is the author of the books FIRE
YOUR DOCTOR! How to be Independently Healthy (reader reviews at
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
) |
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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