Conception and Contraception |
Fertility Control |
moments in education, number 62: Boy, did that break the ice. Of course I get a
lot of questions about natural birth control. (Pretty funny, that is.
I've got a question for you: Would you like to know how many of my kids were
unplanned?) I'm also asked, What options are there to drug or barrier
methods? Can a safe, natural form of contraception really cost nothing,
and be over 99% effective? As a former school sex-education coordinator
and author of a Master's thesis on the subject, I offer the following excerpt
if you are interested. THE OVULATION AND
granted that birth control education should begin very early, and that
fertility awareness is a desirable inclusion, some objections may
remain. One such objection is that there is no reliable indicator of
fertility. This erroneous idea is widely held but false. A woman's
cervical mucus secretion is a most reliable indicator of fertility (Clift,
1945; Billings, 1981). Using this fact to prevent conception is the basis for
the ovulation method of birth control. The Billings Method
is named after Drs. John and Evelyn Billings of "Natural birth
control" often conjures up images of ineffectiveness, complexity and
Catholicism. This is unfortunate and inaccurate. Natural birth
control methods are at the very least better than no contraception at
all. Even the Rhythm Method, when carefully and consistently employed,
may be as high as 80% effective in preventing pregnancy ( "Those who
have heard about the Rhythm Method, however, generally know more than those
who have not about the time of risk within the menstrual cycle. About
47 percent of those who have heard about rhythm know when the
period of greatest risk is, compared to 24 percent of those who
have not heard about rhythm." (p. 17)
Learning rhythm, then,
seems to increase fertility awareness. Because the failure
rate with rhythm is still too high, there have been attempts to improve on
it. The temperature method is perhaps one of the best known refinements
on rhythm. It is based on an observed temperature rise at the time of a
woman's ovulation each month. Three days after this temperature rise,
she is infertile until at least the next menstrual period. While
temperature indicates ovulation, it fails to predict it. Intercourse
before the thermal shift, then, again becomes a matter of rhythm-style
calendar estimation. Another drawback is that "Not all temperature
curves have a temperature rise which is easily recognizable. Often it
is difficult to correctly determine the beginning of the hyperthermic
phase" (Doring, 1973, p. 173). A significant temperature rise may
be as low as 0.1 degree centigrade, making this quite reliable method
demanding to use. The Billings Method
refines and simplifies natural birth control greatly. Its refinements
are that it requires no equipment (no thermometer, no calendar), no
guesswork, and that it will predict ovulation. It is simple enough that
"At least 80% of women learn the ovulation ( The ovulation/mucus
method is a one-step reading of a woman's cervical mucus. It is
performed by the woman herself in a moment and without internal
examination. Every day, she gently wipes the labia with clean, dry,
white toilet paper. She looks at the paper to see if there is any mucus
on it. If there is, she is likely to be fertile. If the mucus is wet
and slippery, and can be easily stretched, then she is very fertile. If
the paper stays dry, she is likely to be infertile that day. On the day
of the most wet, slippery, clear mucus she is most fertile of all. This
day is called the peak day, and is often the very day she ovulates. She will
also feel wettest on this day. She remains fertile for three days after
the peak. It does not matter
how old the woman is, nor does it matter how long her menstrual cycles
are. Unlike with the Rhythm Method, there is no need for regular
menstrual cycles. There is no need to 'fit" into a normal,
clockwork-like 28 day model. If a woman has short menstrual cycles, she
will ovulate early. If they are long, she will ovulate late. The mucus
is there at ovulation, regardless. If she misses a period, there will
simply have been no ovulation, and therefore no fertile, wet mucus that
cycle. A woman does not
even have to know how to read and write to use ovulation methods
effectively. Trials in "331 couples opted
for the ovulation method. Most women found the mucus symptom immediately
recognizable, and were pleased by the simplicity of the
method." (Weissmann et al, 1972, p. 813) Colored stamps, shells,
beads and knots in a rope are sufficient for record keeping. Even blind women
can be taught to use the method (Billings, 1981; Billings & Billings,
1974). Abnormal
temperature, such as a low fever, will interfere with the temperature method
of birth control. It will not obstruct accurate readings with the ovulation
method, however. Abnormal vaginal discharges, also, "do not prevent the
woman from recognizing the time of fertility" (Weissmann et al, 1972, p.
814). The ovulation mucus
symptom is common to all women, including post-menarche girls. Given the
knowledge, any woman can use the method for her entire reproductive lifetime
without financial cost. Unlike medical methods of birth control, there
are no harmful side effects with the Billings Method. Since a
significant number of adolescent girls avoid birth control because they perceive
it as harmful to their bodies (Zabian & Clark. 1987), this is an
important positive feature of the method. Indeed, increased
self-knowledge has very positive results. Says It is one thing for
knowledge to exist and another thing to deliver that knowledge to those who
most need it. One of the problems in teaching the ovulation, mucus
and/or The simplicity of
these methods has already been discussed above, as has the universality of
the mucus symptom among women. If it is a simple matter, and if all women
experience it, perhaps it has not been taught simply enough, or not taught at
all. A nurse-midwife
taught me and my wife at the time these methods in half an hour. It took
another few hours to read the book ( Common-sense caution:
The Sex is more fun
(and maybe even more frequent) if you are confident about the outcome. By the way, you can
use the method backwards to assist conception. If a woman knows when she
is ovulating, obviously it will greatly increase her chances of becoming
pregnant. And now to enrage
the GYN’s, fertility specialists, and dietitians: If you WANT to conceive, try having
the man take megadoses of vitamin C for a few weeks prior. At least
6,000 milligrams a day, and as much as 20,000 mg/day virtually guarantees
very high sperm production. Divide the dose throughout the day for maximum
effect. And that effect is what, exactly? More sperm, stronger sperm,
and better swimming sperm all occurred, at even lower daily C doses, in a Here’s more:
zinc and plenty of it helps the prostate and increases seminal fluid
production. There is a scientific literature a mile long about zinc and male
fertility. About five to ten times the RDA will do it. That is
approximately 50 to 100 mg of zinc daily. For best absorption and best
results, divide the dose into two, or better yet, four doses. Zinc
gluconate is well absorbed, and zinc monomethionine better still. These
are available at any health food store without a prescription. A lot of wussy
nutritionists will tell you that such levels of zinc are harmful. Truth
is, most men don't even get the puny RDA of zinc, set laughingly at 10 or 12
milligrams. Zinc lozenges for the common cold are many times higher than
this. Up to 550 mg of zinc has been safely given daily for a few weeks. Continued high
doses of zinc can produce a copper deficiency, and sometimes a copper
deficiency anemia. This is very easy to compensate for. To begin
with, most Americans have copper water pipes in their homes. Drink a
glass or two of cold water first out of the tap every morning and you'll get
copper. Secondly, eat more raisins and other copper-high foods.
Third, take a multiple vitamin (as you should be doing anyway) with copper in
it. Finally, do what people in I have worked with supposedly "infertile"
people who have tried "everything" to conceive a child. Nutrition, especially the vitamin
C part, is not even mentioned in any fertility textbook I've ever
seen. I've received some nice postcards from couples who have taken an
odd idea or two of mine and gotten pregnant within a month or two. It is
a wonderful feeling, by the way, to have helped them bring a soul to the
Earth. References: Clift, A.F. (1945).
Observations on certain rheological properties of human cervical secretion
. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 39:1-9. Doring, G.K.
(1973). Detection of ovulation by the basal body temperature method. In
M. Zelnik, J. Kantner, & K. Ford (Ed.), Sex and Pregnancy in
Adolescence. Klaus, H. (1984). Valuing
the precreative capacity: a new approach to teens. International Review of
Natural Family Planning, 8: 206-213. Klaus, H. et al.
(1987) Fertility awareness-natural family planning for adolescents and
their families: Report of multisite pilot project. International
Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 3:101-119. Klaus, H., Labbok, M.,
& Barker, D. (1988). Characteristics of ovulation method acceptors: a
cross-cultural assessment. Studies in Family Planning. 19: 299-304. National Directory of "Teen STAR
program" pamphlet. (1986) Weissman, M.C., Foliaki,
L., "What's the best
method of birth control for me?" (1986) Zabin, L.S., & Zabin, L.S., Kantner,
J.F., and Zelnik, M. (1979). The risk of adolescent pregnancy in the first
months of intercourse. Family Planning Perspectives. 11: 215-222. Zelnik, M., Kantner,
J.F., & Ford, K. (1981). Sex and pregnancy in adolescence. (Excerpted in part from A Programmed Introduction to
the Ovulation Method of Birth Control. Copyright 1989 Andrew W. Saul.
This article is also in his book DOCTOR YOURSELF, copyright 2005. Andrew Saul is the author of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to
be Independently Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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