Avant-garde Medicine: Dr. Reich, Dowsing, and Me |
Dowsing by Doctors |
This next concept
will be a hard sell, but it is true: I am not all that easily taken in.
In my pre-heretic days, I was trained as a biologist and a chemistry teacher.
I've been a zoology and health science college professor and a doctoral-level
clinical nutrition instructor. As scientist and educator, I've been well
schooled in the scholarly and the reproducible. "Scholarly"
means that you can find a pile of powerful people to back up what you want to
say. "Reproducible" means that what you say will stand up to
independent verification, that it works in real
life, again and again. The problem with
scholars is that they are too damned emotional. Not me, the other ones. Progress in the
sciences goes like this old portrayal: When somebody has just proven a
really revolutionary idea, everybody says it's too new. When finally
accepted as fact, it is said that everybody knows it now; it is no longer
news. Acupuncture and accupressure are both old and now more or less
accepted. But here is an aspect that practically nobody considers to be
in the least scientific, and I saw it with my own eyes. I was attending a
weekend seminar back in 1976 on pure healing, that is, prayer, touch,
thoughts, and, er, dowsing. Rods,
pendulums, sticks, wires, the whole gamut of raving quackery was
covered, but seriously in this instance. As a practical test, participants
were asked to draw their one of their hands over their other hand and arm,
about an inch above it, and try to "feel" where the points were. "Just what
will the point feel like?" was the universal question. "Doesn't
exactly matter," came the answer, such as it
was. "You will feel something: a bit of cold or warmth, like a draft;
your hand may draw down or float up a bit; you may merely know by intuition,
in a vague way, that that is the spot." I for one thought
this was a lot of hooey. On the other hand, I had paid my seminar fee
and might as well learn something. I tried it, with no confidence. Hmm. I
"thought" I felt something on my hand there. Yes, just there.
I localized the area by going back and forth, back and forth. Then, like a
pilot locating a radio beacon, I crossed at a ninety-degree angle to localize
it exactly. All rubbish. of course, but there
was my best guess, right... about... there. I pressed my finger
to the spot, got up, and crossed the room to look at an authoritative thousand-year
old acupuncture chart. There was indeed an acupuncture point at the
precise spot I had located. Oh, bull.
Must have been pure coincidence. So I tried another area, on my
arm. Up and down, back and forth, ranging and homing in to...
there. Check and repeat. Yep, there's the spot. Get up, walk across
to the chart, search and see if ... yes, there was a point there, too. Still
not convinced. Third trial, on the
leg. Quickly scan and quickly search, cross back and forth, and feel for
something, la de da. OK, there. I didn't even
half try this time. Back to the chart,
and there was an accupressure point there as
well. I pressed each of the points to be sure, and wow! Those were real
points, all right. Reproducibility is
important to a scientist, to me, to you. Thousands of years of study of
acupuncture and multicultural traditions of dowsing are not to be discounted
without seeing for yourself. I came, I saw, I
dowsed. Months later, a
woman and her husband came to my office. She was about 60, with
considerable pain and stiffness in her wrist. Her larger problem was
cancer, for which she was receiving conventional treatment. But her doctors
had been unable to chemically relieve this discomfort for more than a few
hours at a time. She was open to alternative approaches, and I was flushed
with newfound enthusiasm for what I'd learned in charlatan class that
weekend. So I showed her how
to draw her hands over the wrist, floating them an inch or two above the
skin. I had her repeat this, back and forth, crossing side to side as
well. Then I had her husband course over her wrist with his hand. She felt better
within minutes. Well enough to flex and bend. Well enough to smile with
surprise and pleasure. Well enough to successfully and repeatedly
continue the treatment at home. Well enough that I remember it all so
clearly, and it was nearly forty years ago. Placebo
effect? Faith healing? Therapeutic touch? Here we walk the
line bordering the Twilight Zone. Yet
favorable results with so little risk deserve follow up. Scientific
double-blind placebo controlled studies show that prayer helps people heal
more quickly even if the patient does not know that he is being prayed for,
and the prayer-offerer isn't even acquainted with
who she is praying for. Your personal religious faith can probably rest
comfortably with that. But wagging your hands over your own wrists is
perhaps another matter. Let's take the
argument to its extreme. Carefully controlled studies show that prayer
influences bacteria. And in one of my favorite bits of research
(reported in a popular but borderline scientific book titled Supernature, by Lyall Watson), plants hooked up to amplified lie-detector
apparatus showed readings not only when their leaves were dipped in hot
liquids, but when the experimenter was thinking of dipping their leaves in
hot liquids. To further stretch
this, apparatus was devised (and you've got to love this) that would
mechanically and randomly drop tiny brine shrimp into boiling water. A
plant remotely gave readings each time a shrimp hit the water. Run,
don't walk, away from this whole arena. Not because it is fascinating
enough for a Fox TV special, but rather because I ask you to take it
seriously, and further. Not that you'd be
the first. Radiesthesia, the medical and
more-or-less scientific study of dowsing and "personal magnetism"
has been under investigation for generations. My first contact with
this pseudoscience was via Bruce Copen, Ph.D. of
Sussex, Radionics
is even too far out for me, but any book on quackery cannot avoid a mention
of the way politicized science has met with the likes of this. One of the most
famous legal cases against blatant quackery also remains what is arguably the
most infamous case of violation of the Wilhelm Reich,
MD, was an associate of Sigmund Freud at Freud's Psychoanalytic
Polyclinic in Dr. Reich made
devices to collect the stuff, called, appropriately enough, "orgone accumulators." He sold them, referring to
their ability to dissolve cancerous tumors, and thereby ran smack dab into
the might of the FDA. In Appendix C of his very unusual and now very
rare 1972 book Orgone Energy, author
Jerome Eden provides a bibliography of twenty scientists who verified the
existence of orgone energy. Freud and Einstein
are not among them. Perhaps Dr. Reich's other research on the human
orgasm (that is not a typo) took him just too far out of the scientific
orbit. (Not that Freud should have any scruples about that
subject.) The fact that Mr. Eden's books include Planet in Trouble:
The UFO Assault on Earth does little to establish his literary
reputation. Too bad, for But that was
certainly no endorsement worth having. In 1954, FDA had Dr. Reich
charged with fraud in United States District Court for Maine, Southern
Division, for claiming that orgone existed, could
be collected, and could then prevent and cure disease. The FDA won.
Reich's orgone devices were seized and
destroyed. Closer to any Constitutional issue, all his written
literature, scientific papers and articles, and books were burned if they had
anything to do with orgone accumulators. "Reich's
monumental sociological work, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, was
ordered destroyed in Hitler's Nazi Germany, and Reich himself was forced to
flee that country." (Eden, p 65) For a man who fled from Hitler in
1938, and became an American citizen to ensure his freedom, the burning of
his scientific works in 1956 by the US Government seems oddly poetic
punishment. Our First Amendment specifically safeguards freedom of
speech and freedom of the press. Unless you sell orgone accumulators, that is. Even Mein Kampf enjoys
the protection of the First Amendment. And just try to
find a copy of Reich's Function of the Orgasm, for that matter. This scientific
soap opera is not over yet. The FDA's
prosecuting attorney, Peter Mills, had just recently been Dr. Reich's own
personal lawyer, and had in fact drawn up the Reich Foundation's
incorporation papers. Mills left the foundation in 1952, and joined the
FDA the very same year. (Eden, p 68) There was evidence of perjury
on the part of the FDA witnesses and talk of a communist plot. Orgone was said to be an antidote to nuclear radiation
and fluorescent lights. Reich was brought to court in chains. He
talked of UFO's. A court-ordered psychiatric examination found him to
be perfectly sane. The Supreme Court refused to review the case. (p
69-72) In contempt of the
court's judgment against him, Dr. Reich refused to allow FDA agents access to
his private notes. In contempt of a court injunction, he persisted in
his promotion of orgone accumulator technology. This landed him in
federal prison, where he died eight months later. He was 60. "FDA
never produced any evidence to substantiate their contention that the
accumulator was worthless." (p 89)
The canon of
science knowledge is a heavily edited affair. I finished college
chemistry and physics and no one told me that famous scientists were also
devout deists. For example, the great mathematician and astronomer Johann Kepler first described the elliptical orbits of the
planets, but also said they stayed in these orbits because of "Holy
Spirit Force." Convenient how we embrace one of his conclusions,
and disdain the other. And then there is
my favorite Sir Issac Newton story. Sir Issac, it is said, was once demonstrating a brass
mechanical model of the solar system to a friend. "Who built
it?" asked the friend, who happened to be an atheist. "No one,"
replied "What?"
responded the man. "Of course someone
made it, Sir Issac. Look at the intricacy, the
precision, the construction." "But no one
made it," said "It is clear
just from observing its complexity, its perfection of motion, its beautiful operation, that this machinery obviously had
its creator." "Is it not
interesting," said Albert Einstein is
said to have stated that God does not play dice with the universe. Later
in his life, Einstein also said this: "As I grow
older, the identification with the here and now is slowly lost. One
feels dissolved, and merged into Nature. It makes me feel
happy. The greatest experience we can
have is the mysterious." Dr. Reich
challenged even Einstein's conception of mystery and has left us with the
eternal question as to whether there is a discernible, operable link between
our living body and the boundless heavens. "Animal magnetism,"
"orgone energy," or whatever it be
called, and however muffled it may be, continues to intrigue original
thinkers. Call them alchemists in search of the Philosopher's Stone, or
just quacks in search of a simple answer. Still, even pirates leave a
map. Is there more to the human body than we wish to believe?
Andrew Saul is the author
of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be
Independently Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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