Jackson and Mr. MacFadden |
Natural Therapeutics History |
Andrew W. Saul (Reprinted
with permission from J Orthomolecular Med, 2004. Vol
19, No 3, p 167-172.) Joy, temperance and repose DAYLIGHT WAS FADING FAST as I wriggled through a weed-covered
chink in the metal fence surrounding the old Jackson Sanatorium. No, I was
not an AWOL inmate sneaking back before curfew. It was 1979, and I had been a
natural health lecturer for only a couple of years. When I was promised a
tour of what remained of this grand old five-floor naturopathic hospital in As we fumbled our
way towards a side door into the darkened hospital basement, my guide filled
me in. He first explained to me that
Jackson, not Kellogg, was the true originator of the first dry breakfast
cereal. Basically twice-toasted, crumbled-up whole wheat graham crackers, We were inside the
big building now. I looked around and there was just enough light to see that
I was standing in what was once a hydrotherapy treatment room. There were assorted
tubs, hot water tanks, sitz baths, and massage
tables, some with neatly folded fomentation towels still hanging silently
beside them. I asked if those
towels had been hanging there since Dr. Jackson's day. "No,"
Henry said, with a faint smile. "The facility was later operated by
Bernarr Macfadden and after his death in 1955, was kept open as a health
resort and spa until 1971.” Ah, yes: Bernard Adolphus Macfadden, born in 1868, orphaned by age 11, and a millionaire by age 35. He was the immensely
successful publisher of long-running popular magazines including "True
Detective,” "Photoplay" and “Physical Culture.” At one time,
Macfadden outsold Hearst on the newsstand; "True Story" is
published to this day. Macfadden was also the founder of the notorious
"New York Evening Graphic," and yet was a personal friend to George
Bernard Shaw. The archetypal "health nut," Macfadden personally led
a mass health walk every year all the way from The image of those
old towels, still waiting to be used, remains clearly in my mind to this day. We climbed upstairs
into a cavernous, tiled lobby that looked the part of a once-elegant, formal
ballroom. I found Macfadden literature
and educational packets in a drawer, neatly mimeographed and slightly musty.
We moved to the main hallway, at the center of which was a massive cast iron
stairway. "It is fireproof," Henry said, "Because the first
Jackson Sanatorium burned to the ground.
This building was built in 1883, and built to last." And so it had. Up the grand stairway we went, without so much as a creak to be heard. When we reached the fifth
floor, we proceeded down a long, faded turquoise-painted hallway. To either side, you could see that each
patient's room had a louvered door, to improve fresh air flow. I stepped into a room, and the first thing
I noticed was that it was taller than it was wide, with an enormous window
and exceptionally high ceiling. Such high ceilings were to be found on all
floors of the hospital, said Henry, because fresh air and sunshine were as
much a part of "taking the cure" as were mineral waters and fresh,
raw garden foods. One more flight of
stairs upward and we were on the roof. I am no friend of great heights, and
being way up top on this unrepaired building gave
me the willies. But Henry distracted me with consummate skill. He led me over
to what looked like one of several playground merry-go-rounds, you know, like
the ones Bill Cosby described from his childhood. But these were
different. Each of the round platforms
looked as if someone had placed a small wood framed, glass-paned greenhouse
on it. "Patients sat
in one of these to sun themselves," Henry explained. "And every
hour or so an attendant would rotate the thing so that the patient
continually had the sunlight fully on him." Much of the rest of
the roof resembled a cross between a dance floor and a high-school gymnasium.
"There were
daily exercises up here, and people stood where these marks are. And yes,
there were dances, too. Over there is a bridge and pathway leading up the
hill to a mineral spring, which opened up after a slight earthquake here in
1798. That spring is the reason Dr. Jackson built here in the first
place." There was no way I
was going to cross what was left of that incredibly rickety-looking bridge,
and fortunately Henry didn't ask me to. It was getting dark now, and time to
go. Henry produced an inadequate flashlight and by its weak yellow beam we
managed to make our way back down through a now nearly dark staircase, and
out the way we came in. As we left, I
looked straight up the side of the massive brick building, now just barely
visible in the twilight. I thought how great it would be today to have a true
choice in hospitals like people had a hundred years
ago. If there is a full-service,
public nutrition-based hospital somewhere in THE FACTS OF
FADDISM Those who would
speak only of the eccentricities of the health "faddists" marginalize
their many lasting medical contributions. Too much of what the public hears
today effectively distracts it from the real success nature-cure advocates
have achieved. When
we dwell less on the practitioners' personalities, and focus
more on their actual treatments, we see an ahead-of-the-times emphasis on
physical activity and eating right. It is strikingly difficult to find any
modern scientific basis for condemning the essential "health
faddist" lifestyle. Regular exercise and eating high-fiber,
nutrient-rich foods is urged by today's most respected health authorities.
Long ago, Macfadden's "Physical Culture
Creed" specifically called for "Reasonable regular use of the
muscular system" and a "wholesome diet of vital foods." Such
advice is beyond reproach. Poor health may
result from consuming too much of the wrong thing as well as eating too
little of the right thing. It was the health-food "faddists" who
were first to promote abstinence from tobacco, alcohol, junk food, and
overeating. From long before WATER CURE Even Dr. Jackson's
emphasis on the curative powers of water has considerable merit. President Ronald
Reagan's personal physician, Ralph Bookman, M.D., has long been urging his
patients with allergies to drink lots of water to relieve their symptoms. In
an interview, Dr. Bookman said, "Unquestionably, the single most
important element in the treatment of asthma and other bronchial allergy
symptoms is hydration. Unless adequate fluids are available to the mucus
glands in the bronchial tree, their secretions will be tenaciously hard to raise. In asthma, liquids are medications. . . Liquids
make mucus liquid. They change it from a troublesome solid that makes
breathing difficult to an easy to cough up liquid. I demand that my patients
drink 10 full glasses of liquid every day, and I question them constantly to
make sure they understand how important it is. . . Water is best, of course,
but I tell them to drink what they like. . . Any fluids will work but you
must make a fetish of it." (6) Dr. Jackson would
have agreed word for word. LEADING EDGE DIET Health-spa diets
tended to be simple, fresh from the garden, and
low-meat or no-meat. If not exclusively vegetarian, as were The following
publisher's description of one of Ornish's books
sounds similar to, and enthusiastic as, a Macfadden health pamphlet, and I
mean that to be compliment to both men: "Dr. Dean Ornish is the first clinician to offer documented proof
that heart disease can be halted, or even reversed, simply by changing your
lifestyle. Based on his internationally acclaimed scientific study, which has
now been ongoing for years, Dr. Ornish's program
has yielded amazing results. Participants reduced or discontinued
medications; their chest pain diminished or disappeared; they felt more
energetic, happy, and calm; they lost weight while eating more; and blockages
in coronary arteries were actually reduced." (7) I think much of Ornish's diet prescription invites comparison with
"Bernarr Macfadden's Culinary Creed," an
original copy of which is in my possession. It reads, in part: "For saving
money, cutting down food costs and building better health: "Use lemon
juice instead of vinegar for sauces and salad dressing. Use lemon in all
salads with fish dishes and wherever possible. Do not discard the green outer
leaves of cabbage or lettuce. "Do not use
chemically-bleached white flour or sugar. "Never discard
left-over vegetable pot juices. They can be used in soups, or served as
vegetable cocktails with lemon and tomato juice added. Place left-over juices
and pot liquors in refrigerator, in tightly covered containers, to prevent vitamin
spoilage. Cook carrot and beet tops with your soups. They contain valuable
minerals. Fresh beet tops can be used as a green vegetable. Add parsley,
mint, pimento, watercress and lemon wherever possible to salads and dishes.
They are relishable and provide you with minerals. "Throughout
winter months, continue to use as many fresh fruits and vegetables as
possible to procure. They are the protective foods. "Watch fruits
and vegetables for residues of insecticide sprayings containing poisons
(which) frequently account for diseases of an insidious kind, difficult to
trace. (If there were a better foretelling of multiple
chemical sensitivity, I am yet to hear it.) "Food must be
thoroughly masticated and mixed with the saliva. "Use vital
foods only, those that contain all necessary vitamins and minerals. "Use salt
sparingly. "All raw
vegetable juices are especially recommended. "Eat plenty of
dandelions found in fields during many months of year. You can make teas
containing valuable nutrients from grass, alfalfa or clover leaves dried in
your own kitchen." The foods mentioned
above are far better sources of vitamins and minerals than are highly
processed factory foods, and before the advent of food fortification, they
were the only sources. Compared to orthomolecular medicine, food-based doses
of many of the major vitamins are low. Nutritional supplements were
completely unavailable a century and a half ago. Vitamins were not discovered
until 1895, the year Dr. Jackson died, and not synthesized until the 1930's.
Strict adherence to fresh, raw or unprocessed sanatorium dining, extreme as
it might superficially seem, was the only sensible orthomolecular regimen of
the day. Sanatorium diets
(and you can pick any sanatorium you wish, from FASTING Because Macfadden
happened to be on a short fast when he died, his death has often been wrongly
attributed to fasting. That he completed innumerable fasts throughout his
entire long and doctor-free life is generally downplayed. As a matter of
fact, for decades he routinely fasted every Monday, year after year, with
many additional extensive fasts. Macfadden was known to all for his long
workdays and notorious for his physical stamina. This is a man who could rip
a deck of cards in half, twice over, and repeatedly lift 100 pounds overhead
with one hand. (8) No wonder a young man named Angelo Siciliano
became a Macfadden protégé and would later achieve his own fame as Charles
Atlas. (9) Upton Sinclair was
another Macfadden supporter. After fasting for seven days, Sinclair wrote,
"I have been about and busy every minute of the day and until late at
night. I have walked miles every day and have felt no weakness to speak of. I
shall continue the fast until I feel hungry." He did so, and
after 12 days concluded: "The fast is not an ordeal, it is a rest."
(10) The Pulitzer Prize winner, who fasted frequently, lived to be 90. While he did
suggest one- or two-week fasts in some of his writings, Macfadden primarily
endorsed short fasts and, in particular, habitual undereating.
In his Creed, he wrote: "If no appetite at meal time,
wait until the next meal" and "To prolong life, do not eat to
repletion. Stop when you could enjoy more, or better still, fast on water
alone or fruit juices for one day each week." These are hardly reckless
recommendations. Indeed, widespread adoption of the overall mindset of
therapeutic fasting ("when in doubt, leave it out") would do our
overfed, overweight Western society much good. Geriontologist
Roy Walford, M.D., recommends systematic undereating (with the addition of high doses of
supplemental vitamins) in order to increase human lifespan by as much as 40
years. (11) Other physicians, notably Alan Cott, M.D., have authored how-to
books recommending fasting for weight loss and also to promote general health
and wellbeing. (12, 13) MEDICAL POLITICS While Macfadden endured
harsh attacks from medical-political forces of the mid 20th
century, Dr. Jackson operated what his grateful patients affectionately
called "Our Home on the It is a great loss
that most countries of the world have since invested so very heavily, and often
exclusively, in pharmaceutically based healthcare. Such a single-party system
inhibits a patient’s choice and, in my opinion, inhibits a patient’s recovery
far more. How different
things must have been when the 122-bed “Home on the The times have changed since Jackson's and even McFadden’s day. People no longer flock to grand health hotels to "take the cure." But there is nothing stopping us from making our homes into our own personal health retreats. Daily routines can be the same health-boosting program of whole-foods diet and life-affirming exercise that once led thousands to their "Home on the Hillside" in Dansville, where the roots of orthomolecular medicine literally sprung from the ground. “Founded on rock.
For suffering ones and weary, A home, secure from
worldly care and strife; Nature, the healing
mistress, tends its portals, Beckoning with
gentle hand to paths of life.” (15) Notes, References
and Recommended 1. Clara Barton
Chapter No. 1, founded 1881, is still located at 2. Oursler F. The most unforgettable character I've met.
Reader's Digest, July 1951, p 78-82. Posted at http://www.riverflow.com/Macfadden/mucim.html
. 3. Ernst R.
Weakness is a crime: The life of Bernarr Macfadden. 4. Hunt WR. Body
Love: The amazing career of Bernarr Macfadden. 5. Gilbert D. Dansville's "Castle on the Hill."
Dansville Area Historical Society, 6. Bookman R. 101
hints, tips and bits of wisdom from the president's allergist: Timely help
for people with allergies and asthma. Emmaus PA: Rodale's Allergy Relief, Vol 3 No 7, July 1988, p 1-8.
See also: Bookman R. The dimensions of
clinical allergy. 7. Ornish D. Dr. Dean Ornish's
program for reversing heart disease. NY: Random House/Ivy Books, 1995. 8. Bennett J. http://www.bernarrMacfadden.com , accessed February 2004, which also
has an extensive bibliography of Bernarr Macfadden's
books. 9. Bennett J. http://www.riverflow.com/Macfadden/atlas.html, accessed February, 2004. 10. Sinclair U. The
fasting cure. (First published in 1911). Whitefish, MT: Kessinger
Publishing Company, 2003. Also: 11. Walford RL. Maximum life span. http://www.doctoryourself.com/lifespan.html . 12. Cott A.
Fasting: The ultimate diet. NY: Bantam, 1975. 13. Cott A. Fasting
as a way of life. NY: Bantam, 1981. 14. Burns D. (Ed.) The
greatest health discovery: Natural hygiene and its evolution, past present
and future. 15. Excerpt from a
poem by Dr. Kate J. Jackson, in tribute to her father-in-law's work, as
reprinted in "The Dansville Institute's 1979 Historical Calendar."
In 1979, I toured the house, known as Alta Vista, in which Kate and her
husband lived and worked. Copyright 2007 and prior
years by Andrew W. Saul. Revised 2023. Andrew Saul is the author of the
books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be Independently
Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing
that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
) |
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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