Constipation is one
ailment that you need never have again. It is certainly important to put
the right kind of food into your body, but it is also essential to get wastes
out. Naturopaths frequently address illness, bowel
first, and with good reason. Scientific studies have shown increased
incidence of diverticular diseases, heart diseases, and cancer among
constipated persons. It is common for arthritics to have a history of chronic
constipation. Probably at least one third of all diabetics would
require less insulin simply if they had more fiber in their
Throughout much of
Africa and Asia, people eat a great deal of
vegetables, grains and legumes (beans, lentils, etc.). These people have
a digestive transit time of 18 hours or less. This means that what's
left of the food they just ate will be excreted as a bowel movement about 18
hours later. In Westernized cultures, a transit time twice as long (36 hours)
is the rule, and 48 to 72 hours is not uncommon. This means the wastes
stay in the body much longer, allowing greater opportunity for those toxins
to be reabsorbed.
Your colon (or bowel)
is designed to collect and hold wastes, but only for a while. If the
colon is not emptied regularly, it begins to resemble a backed-up
sewer. Fecal matter packed into the bowel can stretch it out of shape,
which reduces muscle tone, and poor elimination is the result. Wastes
then become more and more compacted and concentrated, and harder still to
eliminate. Stools become foul smelling as normally beneficial colon
bacteria give way to a polluted, pathogenic bowel.
Here are ways to
end constipation.
1. Become a
vegetarian. Less meat and more produce guarantees easier bowel
2. Eat lots of
fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables. Salads are the answer, not
3. Drink a
glass of water, preferably warm, right after you awaken in the morning. Store-variety
herbal teas are good, too.
4. Make a habit
of sitting on the toilet for five minutes right after breakfast. Your
body will soon get in the habit of an early morning bowel movement.
5. Adding fiber
to your diet is easily accomplished by eating better snacks. Popcorn,
vegetable sticks, fruit, and nuts are excellent.
6. Molasses is
a good natural laxative if you need one. About one third cup will do
7. Freshly made
raw cabbage juice is even better. Juiced zucchini works equally
well. One or two 8-ounce glasses will probably be enough.
8. A can of
sauerkraut, juice and all, is a fine laxative.
9. 4,000 to
6,000 milligrams of vitamin C taken AT ONE TIME has a laxative effect. Adding
two teaspoons of calcium-magnesium gluconate powder is even better.
10. You can
encourage a bowel movement with a gentle abdominal massage. Generally, you follow the bowel. Begin in your lower belly, below
and to the right of your navel. Move up, and then across. Then,
move down your left abdomen and finish just above the groin area. Repeat this
a few times, and in a while you will likely notice an urge to have a bowel
movement. This is especially helpful for children. Do not massage if
there is a pregnancy or any medical or surgical reason why you
11. Walking, yoga postures, bicycling and other light-to-moderate exercise is
always helpful for regularity.
12. Stewed
fruits (such as prunes) still work well for many people. When I was a
kid, my Mom invited a friend over for lunch one day. I was sorry to see
that dessert consisted of stewed prunes. I did not like stewed
prunes. To my genuine amazement, my friend not only ate his serving but
mine as well. He then proceeded to have additional helpings. After lunch
we went out to play, and my Mom counted pits. There were about thirty
pits on my friend's plate. My mother dutifully telephoned his mother,
and apologized for inadvertently letting him eat so many
It all came out (the story, that is) about two days later. It seems
that the neighbor's toilet was working overtime. That, of course,
is not surprising. What IS a surprise is that we stayed
good friends.
I do not seem
to remember if he ever had lunch at our house after that.
moral? Perhaps thirty prunes at once is more
than you might want. Or need.
Now, who would buy an
expensive car with a bad exhaust system? Even a Rolls-Royce needs to get
rid of wastes properly, if you expect it to operate well.
So do you. Just
take it easy with the prunes.
Copyright C 2004 and prior years Andrew W. Saul.
Andrew Saul is the author
of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be
Independently Healthy (reader reviews at
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at
For ordering information, Click Here .

Andrew W. Saul
This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment
for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of
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