Cancer Specialist Max Gerson, M.D. |
References: Gerson |
GERSON, M.D. (Editor's note: Max Gerson, MD was Nobel-laureate Dr.
Albert Schweitzer's personal physician. Dr. Gerson's life moved through the
First World War in Germany, the resulting Great Depression, and flight from
Hitler's persecution in the 1930's to the http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7357629140536485998
) BOOKS Gerson, M. Meine Diät: ein Ratgeber für Kranke und Gesunde. 4., verb. Aufl. [My Diet: advice for the ill and the well.
4th rev. ed.] Gerson, M. Diättherapie der Lungentuberkulose. [Diet Therapy of Pulmonary
Tuberculosis] Gerson, M. A
Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. Gerson, M. The Gerson
Primer: an adjunct to A Cancer Therapy—Results of 50 Cases. Additional books about the Gerson Therapy include: Gerson C, Straus H,
Gerson M. The Gerson Primer: Practical guidance, resources and recipes for
Gerson ® therapy patients. 4th ed. Gerson C, Walker M. The
Gerson Therapy: the amazing nutritional therapy for cancer and other
illnesses. (ISBN: 1575666286) Giuliano, Dego. Doctor
Max: a novel. (ISBN: 0882682016) Haught SJ. Cancer? Think curable!:
The Gerson Therapy. (ISBN: 0961152605) Haught SJ. Censured for curing
cancer: the American experience of Dr. Max Gerson. 2nd ed.
(ISBN 0882681095) Haught SJ. Has Dr. Max Gerson a true
cure for cancer? (ISBN: 0890410976) Straus H, Marinacci B. Dr. Max Gerson: healing the hopeless. (ISBN:
155082209X) SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Gerson, M. "Eine Bromoformvergiftung."
[Bromocol poisoning] Ärztliche
Sachverständigen-Zeitung. (Aus der
innern Abteilung des Städt. Krankenhauses im Friedrichshain zu Gerson, M. "Zur Ätiologie der myasthenischen Bulbarparalyse." [Concerning the etiology of myasthenic bulbar paralysis] Berl.
Klin. Wchnschr. 53:1364,
1916. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Über Lähmungen bei Diphtheriebazillenträgern."
[On paralyses found in diphtheria carriers] Berl. Klin. Wchnschr. 56(12):274-277,
Mar. 24, 1919. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Zur Ätiologie der multiplen Sklerose." [Concerning the etiology of multiple
sclerosis] Deutsche. Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz. LXXIV, 251-259, 1922. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Über die konstitutionelle Grundlage von nervösen Krankheitserscheinungen und deren
therapeutische Beeinflußung."
[On the constitutional basis of nervous symptoms and their therapeutic
influence] Fortschr. d.
Med., Berl. 42:9-11, 1922. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Die Entstehung und Begründung der Diätbehandlung der Tuberkulose. [The origin
and rationale of the diet treatment of tuberculosis] Med. Welt. [[NLMID
03776641]], 3:1313-1317, 1929. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Korrespondenzen: Rachitis und Tuberkulosebehandlung." [Correspondences in the
treatment of rickets and tuberculosis] Deutsche. med. Wchnschr.
[[NLMID 0006723]], 55(38):1603, Sep. 20, 1929. (No known
electronic link) Gerson, M. "Phosphorlebertran und die Gerson-Herrmannsdorfersche
Diät zur Heilung der Tuberkulose."
[Phosphorus, cod liver oil, and the Gerson-Herrmannsdorfer
Diet in the cure of tuberculosis] Deutsche. med. Wchnschr.
[[NLMID 0006723]], 56:478-480, Mar. 21, 1930. (No known
electronic link) Gerson, M. "Comment
on Wichmann’s article of December 17." Klin. Wchnschr. 9:693-694, Apr.
12, 1930. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Einige Ergebnisse der Gerson-Diät bei Tuberkulose." [Some results of the Gerson Diet in tuberculosis] Med. Welt. [[NLMID 0376641]], 4:815-820, Jun. 7, 1930. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Grundsätzliche Anleitungen zur "Gerson-Diät".
[Basic instructions for the Gerson Diet]
Münch. med. Wochnschr. [[NLMID 7801802]], 77:967-971, Jun. 6, 1930. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Erwiderung auf die Arbeit: ‘Die
Gründe der Ablehnung der salzlosen Diät durch die Tuberkuloseheilanstalten’
von Prof. O. Ziegler." [Response to Prof. O. Ziegler’s work: ‘Reasons
for the rejection of the salt-free diet by the tuberculosis sanitariums’]
Deutsche med. Wchnschr. [[NLMID 0006723]],
57:334-335, Feb. 20, 1931. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Einiges über die kochsalzarme Diät." [Some
comments on the low-salt diet] Hippokrates. [[NLMID
0413670]], 3:627-634, Mar. 1931. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Erwiderung auf die Arbeit C. v.
Noordens ‘Kritische Betrachtungen über Gerson-Diät insbesondere bei Tuberkulose.’"
[Response to C. v. Noorden’s work: 'Critical
observations concerning the Gerson Diet in particular regard to
tuberculosis'] Med. Klin. Wchnschr.
45:1116-1117, Sep. 9, 1932. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Blutsenkung bei Diätbehandlung der Lungentuberkulose." [Sedimentation in the diet
treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis] Zeitschr. f. Tuberk.
[[NLMID 0216146]], 63:327-337, 1932. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Einige Resultate der Diättherapie bei Kavernen nach vorausgegangener chirurgischen Behandlung."
[Some outcomes of the diet therapy with ‘Kavernen’
following prior surgical treatment] Verhandl. d.
deutsche Gesellsch. f.
inn. Med. Kong. 44:222-224, 1932. [Translator's note: ‘Kavernen’ are small cavities in the tissue found in
advanced stages of pulmonary tuberculosis] (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Diätbehandlung bei Migräne und Lungentuberkulose."
[Diet treatment of migraine and pulmonary tuberculosis] Wiener Klin. Wchnschr.
[[NLMID 21620870R]], 45:744-748, Jun. 10, 1932. (No known
electronic link) Gerson, M. "Psychische Reaktionen während der Gerson-Diät bei Lungentuberkulose."
[Psychological reactions during the Gerson Diet in pulmonary tuberculosis]. Psychotherapeut. Praxis. 1:206-213, Dec. 1934. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Unspezifische Desensibilsierung
durch Diät bei allergischen Hautkrankheiten." [Nonspecific desensitization by
means of diet in allergic skin diseases] Dermat. Wchnschr. [[NLMID 0232054]], 100:441, Apr. 20, 1935. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Unspezifische Desensibilsierung
durch Diät bei allergischen Hautkrankheiten." [Nonspecific desensitization by
means of diet in allergic skin diseases] Dermat. Wchnschr. [[NLMID 0232054]], 100:478, Apr. 27, 1935. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Bemerkungen zum Aufsatz von Neumann, ‘Ernährung
der Tuberkulösen.’"
[Comments to Neumann's paper, ‘Feeding of the tubercular patient’] Wien. Klin. Wchnschr.
[[NLMID 21620870R]], 48:272-273, Mar. 1, 1935. (No known
electronic link) Gerson, M. "Rückbildung von Entzündungen bei Gerson-Diät unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tuberkulösen Entzündung."
[Regression in inflammations with the Gerson Diet with special consideration
of the tubercular inflammation] Wien. Klin. Wchnschr. [[NLMID 21620870R]], 48:847-853, Jun. 21, 1935. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Anmerkung zur obigen Ausführung von W. Newmann." [Notation to the preceding comments by W. Newmann] Wien. Klin. Wchnschr. [[NLMID
21620870R]], 48:1069, Aug. 23, 1935. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M.; von Weisl, W. "Lebermedikamentur
bei der Diättherapie chronischer Krankheiten." [The administration of liver extract
in relation to the diet treatment of chronic illnesses] Wien.
med. Wchnschr. [[NLMID 21620870R]], 85:1095-1098,
Sep. 28, 1935. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M.; von Weisl, W. "Flüßigkeitsreiche
Kalidiät als Therapie bei cardiorenaler Insuffizienz."
[High fluid and potassium diet as treatment in cardiorenal
insufficiency] Münch. med.
Wochnschr. [[NLMID 7801802]], 82:571-574, Apr. 11,
1935. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Feeding
the German Army." Gerson, M. "Some
aspects of the problem of fatigue." Med. Record. 156(6):341, 1943. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Dietary
considerations in malignant neoplastic disease;
preliminary report." Rev. Gastroenterol.
[[NLMID 20130250R]], 12:419-425, Nov.-Dec. 1945. (Available at GRO) Gerson, M. "Case
histories of ten cancer patients: clinical observations, theoretical
considerations and summary." National Archives, Center for Legislative
Archives, Rec. Grp. 46, Rec. US Senate, Papers
Relating to Specific Bills and Resolutions, S.1875, 79th Cong., 2nd
Session. Gerson, M. "The Jew
and Diet." The Jewish Forum, Gerson, M. "Effects
of combined dietary regime on patients with malignant tumors." Exper. Med. & Surg. [[NLMID
0435437]], 7:299-317, Nov. 1949 (Available at GRO) Gerson, M. "Theorie der diätetisch-medikamentösen
Krebs-Behandlung." [Theory of the dietetic-medication
cancer treatment] Der Wendepunkt.
Gerson, M. "Kein Krebs bei normalem Stoffwechsel; Ergebnisse einer speziellen Therapie." [No
cancer in normal metabolism; results of a special therapy] Med. Klin. [[NLMID 0376637]] 49(5):175-179,
Jan. 29, 1954. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Krebskrankheit, ein Problem des
Stoffwechsels." [Cancer, a problem of
metabolism] Med. Klin. [[NLMID 0376637]],
49(26):1028-1032, Jun. 25, 1954 (Available at GRO and ACT) Gerson, M. "Zur medikamentösen Behandlung Krebskranker nach Gerson." [On the medication treatment of cancer
patients after Gerson] Med. Klin. [[NLMID
0376637]], 49(49):1977-1978, 1954. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "A New Therapeutical Approach to Cancer." Herald of Health,
Apr. 1957. (No known electronic link) Gerson, M. "Cancer –
Reflected Symptom of Abnormal Metabolism." Let’s Live Magazine, Gerson, M. "The cure
of advanced cancer by diet therapy: a summary of 30 years of clinical
experimentation." (lecture given in 1956) Physiol.
Chem. Phys. [[NLMID 0202364]],10 (5):449-464, 1978. (Abstract available at Entrez PubMed ; Article available at DY.Com) For further
information about Dr. Gerson and the Gerson therapy, please see the following
sources: The Gerson Institute http://www.gerson.org Additional bibliographies
of published clinical studies showing the demonstrated benefits of the Gerson
treatment are posted at: http://doctoryourself.com/bib_gerson_therapy.html http://www.gerson-research.org/bibliography/index.html To learn more about how
to do the Gerson Therapy: http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersontherapy.html You may watch, free of charge, the cancer treatment
documentary Dying to Have Known (2006) at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7357629140536485998
(DoctorYourself’s Andrew Saul is
onscreen between minutes 46 and 50.) http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersonspeech.html
is the transcript of a speech by Dr. Gerson himself. http://www.doctoryourself.com/bib_gerson_therapy.html
is a bibliography of published clinical studies showing the demonstrated
benefits of the Gerson treatment http://www.doctoryourself.com/bib_gerson.html
is a bibliography of all of Dr. Gerson’s scientific writings. Watch a full-length documentary movie about the Gerson
Cancer Therapy, free off charge, at http://www.gersonmiracle.org/miracle.html Book and film reviews, as
well as interviews are posted at: http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersontherapy.html http://www.doctoryourself.com/bestbooks.html http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersonbio.htm http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v2n21.txt http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v2n4.txt http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v4n16.txt http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v4n19.txt http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersontherapy2.html
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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