Warren E. Saul: 1979  
The Crucifixion  
(Watercolor, 8x10)


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The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Pencil Sketch by Warren E. Saul (1979)

Few would describe my father as especially religious. He was a reluctant church-attender, yet he sang hymns with a bass voice that the whole congregation could hear. Nominally a Presbyterian, he preferred well-organized scholastic sermons. To me, the kid wriggling in the pew next to him, it seemed Pa's favorite pastors offered long-winded lectures more often than succinct homilies. Therefore this sketch is all the more significant: it is virtually the only time he painted a religious theme. I think it is a view from the Cross looking down, with shadows in front. The understated emotional power of this work moves me.

Images and text copyright 2002 Andrew W. Saul. All rights reserved. Reproduction or reuse is prohibited without advance written permission.

Andrew W. Saul

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